Powerwolf au lansat un clip pentru 'Demons Are A Girl's Best Friend' alaturi de Alissa White-Gluz de la Arch Enemy

de Cristi Nedelcu

Powerwolf au lansat un clip pentru 'Demons Are A Girl's Best Friend' alaturi de Alissa White-Gluz de la Arch Enemy

Trupa a colaborat cu solista trupei Arch Enemy pentru un nou material video pentru single-ul extras de pe albumul din 2018, 'The Sacrament of Sin'.

Alissa White-Gluz a declarat urmatoarele:

"I enjoyed putting a woman's spin on 'Demons Are A Girl's Best Friend', altering the lyrics to fit a strong message of female empowerment and delivering them with a mighty roar! Thanks to Powerwolf for being open to having their song reconstructed like this!".

Noul material poate fi vazut mai jos.

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