Shone the sunset red and solemn
Where we stood and observed
Down the corners of the column
Letter strokes of Ogham
'tis belike a burial pillar
Said he and those shallow lines
Hold some warriors name of valour
And will rightly show the
No one saw, how far I fell
And no one ever knew
That there was a heart of flesh
Deep within me
As it was, bled of
the twisted horn
And the howling of the dogs
Raise on old Heroes lament
While the weeping of women
Still vexes my
If this is my Journey End
Then cast me to the pyre
And if all that remains
Is a blackened heart
And the stench of
Then know my spell is cast
And sing my song
With pride once more
[Verse one and two are inspired by the old Irish
poem (The Recovery of the Tain), Ogham is the old Irish way of writing and tells the tale of a Warrior near the end of life, Raising the
Spirit of Battle once more, reaching back through his life... through the blood and pain the releasing himself to the Gods... the message
is simple... that your deeds in life be recounted and relived in both name and song...]