Queens of the Stone Age
Biografie Queens of the Stone Age
Infiintata dupa dezmembrarea trupei Kyuss , Queens of the Stone Age era constituita din solistul si chitaristul Josh Homme, tobosarul Alfredo Hernandez, basistul Nick Oliveri si chitaristul Dave Catching. Initiativa acestui proiect apartine lui Homme, care s-a mutat la Seattle pentru a canta in grupul Screaming Trees . La scurt timp a inceput o colaborare avantajoasa cu Van Conner de la Trees, Matt Cameron de la Soundgarden si Mike Johnson de la Dinosaur Jr., lansand un album intitulat Gamma Ray". Homme l-a recrutat pe Hernandez pentru a lucra la LP-ul Loosegroove" aparut in 1998. Dupa lansare, Oliveri a plecat de la Dwarves, convins ca se potriveste grupului; nu dupa mult timp, Catching a luat aceeasi decizie. In afara turneelor, Homme a inregistrat o serie de albume la casa de discuri Man's Ruin. Volumele The Desert Sessions" au reunit figuri reprezentative ale industriei muzicale: Soundgarden, Fu Manchu si Monster Magnet. In anul 2000, Queens of the Stone Age a lansat......Toata biografia Queens of the Stone Age
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Stiri cu Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age au lansat piesa 'The Evil Has Landed'
Queens of the Stone Age au lansat o noua piesa de pe albumul "Villains" ce urmeaza sa ajunga la fani incepand cu data de 25 August. "The most important aspect of making this record was redefining our sound, asking and answering the question 'what do we sound like now?' If you can't make a great...
Josh Homme de la Queens of the Stone Age a fost dat in judecata de catre un fan
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Supergrupul Gone is Gone a lansat prima piesa
Dupa ce ne-au intrigat cu un teaser extrem de scurt, supergrupul, format din Troy Sanders (Mastodon), Troy Van Leeuwen (Queens Of The Stone Age), Tony Hajjar (At the Drive-In) si Mike Zarin, ne lasa sa ascultam prima lor compozitie facuta publica in formula Gone Is Gone. “Violescent” este primul single...
16 Aprilie inseamna Record Store Day!
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Gone Is Gone, un nou supergrup
Gone is Gone este o noua gaselnita creativa pe care Troy Sanders (Mastodon) a pus-o la cale. Axata pe nisa rockului experimentat, trupa Gone is Gone ii are in componenta sa pe Troy Sanders (Mastodon), Troy Van Leeuwen (Queens of the Stone Age), Tony Hajjar (At The Drive-In) si Mike Zarin. Grupul va lansa in aceasta...
Videoclipuri Queens of the Stone Age
- Queens Of The Stone Age - Go With The Flow
- Queens Of The Stone Age - Little Sister
- Queens Of The Stone Age - In My Head
- Queens Of The Stone Age - Feel Good Hit Of The Summer
- Queens Of The Stone Age - Someone's in the Wolf
- I Appear Missing
- Kalopsia
- Keep Your Eyes Peeled
- If I Had A Tail
- The Vampyre of Time and Memory
- Smooth Sailing
Top Versuri Queens of the Stone Age
Running Joke
Make It Wit Chu
Make It Wit Chu
Suture Up Your Future
Misfit Love
Sick, Sick, Sick
Into The Hollow
River In The Road
Run, Pig, Run
I m Designer
Turnin on the Screw
3s and 7s
Into the Hollow
Suture Up Your Future
Sick Sick Sick
In My Head
If Only
Battery Acid
River In the Road
Auto Pilot
Misfit Love
I Never Came
Battery Acid
Everybody Knows That You Are Insane
3s 7s
Turnin' On The Screw
You Got A Killer Scene There, Man...
In The Fade
Monsters In The Parasol
Someone's In The Wolf
Walkin on the Sidewalks
Burn The Witch
You Can't Quit Me Baby
Leg of Lamb
Skin On Skin
The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret
Broken Box
How to Handle a Rope
Long Slow Goodbye
Regular John
The Fun Machine Took A Shit And Died
Better Living Through Chemistry
Tension Head
This Lullaby
Give the Mule What He Wants
I Think I Lost My Headache
Tangled Up In Plaid
The Blood Is Love
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Queens of the Stone Age
- Make It Wit Chu Tab
- Little Sister Chords
- Feel Good Hit Of The Summer Tab
- All The Same Tab
- Bloody Hammer Chords
- Feel Good Hit Of The Summer (ver3) Bass Tab
- Born To Hula Tab
- Burn The Witch Tab
- Burn The Witch (ver2) Tab
- 3s And 7s (ver2) Bass Tab
- Burn The Witch Bass Tab
- Feel Good Hit Of The Summer Bass Tab
- Bronze Bass Tab
- Burn The Witch Intro Tab
- Lullabies To Paralyze (album) Bass Tab
- Auto Pilot Bass Tab
- Burn The Witch Intro (ver3) Tab
- Broken Box Chords
- Everybody Knows That Youre Insane Tab
- Blood Is Love Intro Tab
- Another Love Song (ver2) Tab
- Era Vulgaris Tab
- Feel Good Hit Of The Summer (ver2) Bass Tab
- Burn The Witch (ver3) Tab
- Avon Tab
- Better Living Through Chemistry (ver2) Bass Tab
- Burn The Witch Intro (ver2) Tab
- Songs For The Deaf (album) Tab
- Everybody Knows That You Are Insane (ver2) Bass Tab
- Feel Good Hit Of The Summer (ver2) Tab
- Burn The Witch (ver4) Tab
- 3s And 7s Tab
- Another Love Song Tab
- 3s And 7s (ver3) Tab
- Born To Hula (ver2) Tab
- Bronze Tab
- Do It Again Bass Tab
- Feel Good Hit Of The Summer (ver3) Tab
- Auto Pilot (ver3) Bass Tab
- 3s And 7s Intro Tab
- Burn The Witch Chords
- Burn The Witch (ver2) Bass Tab
- Bronze (ver4) Tab
- Everybodys Gonna Be Happy Tab
- Auto Pilot (ver2) Bass Tab
- Do It Again Tab
- Everybodys Gonna Be Happy Bass Tab
- Bronze (ver3) Tab
- Burn The Witch (ver3) Bass Tab
- Avon Bass Tab