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Stiri cu Razorlight
Tom Smith (Editors) si Andy Burrows lanseaza un album de Craciun
Solistul Tom Smith de la Editors si Andy Burrows, fostul tobosar de la Razorlight, colaboreaza pentru un album de Craciun care va fi lansat in acest an. Proiectul celor doi se va numi Smith & Burrows , iar albumul se va numi 'Funny Looking Angels ' si se va lansa pe 28 noiembrie. Borrows a parasit...
Razorlight sunt cap de afis la Haddowfest 2011
Razolright sunt confirmati ca headlineri ai festivalului Haddowfest 2011 (2-3 aprilie, Edinburgh ), alaturi de Undertones . Lista artistilor confirmati pana acum la Haddowfest 2011 este: Razorlight Broken Records The Undertones The Dykeenies The 10:04's Johnny Foreigner Twisted Wheel The...
Razorlight participa la Guilfest 2011
Razorlight sunt confirmati pentru festivalul britanic Guilfest (15-17 iulie), dupa ce de curand au anuntat noua componenta. Primul concert in formula noua va avea loc pe 3 aprilie in Edinburgh, Scotia , iar pe 16 iulie Razorlight sunt cap de afis la Guilfest . Chitaristul Bjorn Agren si basistul Carl...
Razorlight anunta noua componenta
Razorlight au anuntat recent noua componenta, dupa ce doi dintre membrii originali au parasit trupa in 2010. Chitaristul Bjorn Agren si basistul Carl Dalemo au parasit Razorlight in timpul sesiunilor de inregistrari deoarece au considerat ca albumul ar fi "contraproductiv". Cel mai recent album...
Razorlight: In rock'n'roll nu trebuie sa te iei prea in serios (video)
Johnny Borrell, solistul trupei de indie rock si post-punk revival Razorlight nu este "prea serios" cand vine vorba de noul album, pe care intentioneaza sa il lucreze cu upbeat si sa se intoarca la radacinile rock ale trupei. Solistul lucreaza la urmasul celui de-al treilea album " Slipway Fires...
Top Versuri Razorlight
Wire To Wire
The House
Hostage Of Love
For Wild Blood
Rock N Roll Lies
Rip It Up
In the City
Stumble & Fall
Up All Night
Get It & Go
Hold On
In The City
Rock N Roll Lies
To The Sea
Up All Night
Rip It Up
Which Way Is Out
Leave Me Alone
Which Way Is Out
Leave Me Alone
Golden Touch
Golden Touch
To the Sea
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Razorlight
- Hostage Of Love Chords
- Fairytale Of New York Chords
- Hostage Of Love Intro Tab
- America (ver2) Chords
- The House Chords
- Hostage Of Love Intro Tab
- Who Needs Love Chords
- Who Needs Love (ver2) Tab
- Burberry Blue Eyes Acoustic Chords
- America Tab
- America Chords
- Before I Fall To Pieces Intro (ver3) Tab
- Golden Touch Chords
- Somewhere Else (ver5) Chords
- You And The Rest Chords
- I Cant Stop This Feeling Ive Got Intro (ver2) Tab
- Somewhere Else Chords
- Somewhere Else Tab
- Dalston Chords
- Who Needs Love Tab
- Los Angeles Waltz Acoustic Chords
- Hey Ya Chords
- America (ver3) Chords
- Before I Fall To Pieces (ver2) Tab
- In The Morning Chords
- Dont Go Back To Dalston Chords
- Heartbreak Soup Tab
- In The Morning (ver3) Tab
- Who Needs Love (ver3) Tab
- Before I Fall To Pieces Tab
- In The City Chords
- Fairytale Of Newyork Chords
- In The Morning Intro Tab
- Dont Go Back To Dalston Bass Tab
- Before I Fall To Pieces Chords
- Fall To Pieces Chords
- Vice Tab
- Vice Chords
- Somewhere Else (ver4) Chords
- Stumble And Fall Bass Tab
- Kirbys House Intro Tab
- Dalston (ver2) Chords
- To The Sea (ver2) Tab
- In The Morning (ver2) Chords
- Golden Touch (ver3) Tab
- Golden Touch Intro Tab
- I Can Stop This Feeling Ive Got Intro Tab
- Golden Touch Bass Tab
- Rock N Roll Lies Acoustic Tab
- Leave Me Alone Bass Tab