REM a anuntat detaliile unei reeditari a albumului Fables Of The Reconstruction.
Materialul va fi lansat in data de 13 iulie si va reprezenta aniversarea a 25 de ani de la lansarea albumului.
Noul pachet va include versiunea remasterizata a albumului plus un disc de 14 piese inttiulat The Athens Demos, in care sunt incluse inregistrari vechi ale unor piese precum Driver 8, Can't Get There From There si Throw Those Trolls Away.
Albumul va fi disponibil atat ca dublu CD cat si vinil.
Tracklist-ul pentru Fables Of The Reconstruction (25th Anniversary Edition) este:
CD1 (original album):
'Feeling Gravity's Pull'
'Maps and Legends'
'Driver 8'
'Life And How To Live It'
'Old Man Kensey'
'Can't Get There From Here'
'Green Grow The Rushes'
'Auctioneer (Another Engine)'
'Good Advices'
'Wendell Gee'
CD2 (The Athens Demos):
'Auctioneer (Another Engine)'
'Can't Get There From Here'
'Driver 8'
'Feeling Gravity's Pull'
'Good Advices'
'Green Grow The Rushes'
'Life And How To Live It'
'Maps and Legends'
'Old Man Kensey'
'Throw Those Trolls Away'
'Wendell Gee'
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