Roger Waters lanseaza filmul 'Us + Them' in format digital

de Cristi Nedelcu

Roger Waters lanseaza filmul 'Us + Them' in format digital

Filmul contine melodii de pe albumele trupei Pink Floyd, "The Dark Side of the Moon", "Wish You Were Here", "Animals and The Wall", precum si melodii de pe albumul "This Is The Life We Realally Want?"

“Us + Them is not standard rock ’n’ roll fare. Some in the audience may ‘yee-ha!,’ which is okay, but many will weep. That is what I hope for. Homo sapiens stand at a crossroads – we can either pool our love, develop our capacity to empathize with others and act collectively for the good of our planet, or we can remain Comfortably Numb, like blind lemmings, on our current homicidal death march towards extinction. Us + Them is a vote for love and life.”, a declarat Roger.

Noul material va fi lansat in format digital pe 16 iunie.

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