I Cant Get Enough Intro Chords - Rooney

      A                         E   
   I like what you wear and I like how you move
   If I was starin it's because I'm in the mood
   I'm down with your love, come on hold out your hand
   I'll take you where I'm goin, you wanna see the promised land
     A             D
   I tell you yes but you tell me no
     E             D
   I ask you why, you never let me know
     A             D
   You close your eyes, I hold you tight
     E             D
   But it's no surprise, I got no where to go
     A             D   
   Even if I try try, If I lie
     E             D
   You're never gonna leave, leave me alone
     A             D
   I'm goin home, you call my bluff
     E             D
   I can't get enough, can't get enough
     A             D
   o-oh, I can't get enough

   And so on... Repeat this pattern and use ANY alternaltive strumming pattern as 
you see fit.. This is my first tab, so im sure it has mistakes. If you see a 
mistake or if you have a better way of tabbing this then please email meee. 
<33 Thanks a BUNCH!! :D