We recently talked with Sabaton about their current tour promoting their new album Heroes and the show in Romania that will take place on the 27th of January at Arenele Romane! The first three questions are the best ones from their fans, and the rest are our questions ! Read the interview below!
Hi guys! Here are the top 3 questions from the fans
Radu: Could you consider composing a song about something from the Romanian history? Maybe about Dracula (Vlad Tepes) or about the fights we had with the germans or the turks in the last hundreds of years?
We normally dont write about things so far in the past. And to write about Dracula who is more of a legend would mean that we would rely on fiction and not really facts. Not really what we are looking for.
Raluca: Why do you consider Ruina Imperii more an outro than a real song, when it has everything it needs for a great one, at least in our opinion, as fans? And would they consider playing it live in the future in Sweden? (We're also going to your festival in Falun this year and really hope to hear it, but we're aware chances are slim, as they didn't even play it last year, when they played the whole Carolus Rex in Swedish.) It would deserve to make the setlist every now and then.
I agree its a great song. And we have been thinking of playing it live. When we did the full Carolus Rex show we decided to have it pre-recorded to make a show with actors on the stage to make it look good. It worked fine!
Graham: Have Sabaton ever written a ballad / acoustic song -not something mushy and crap about getting dumped but still something cool about war like Motorhead's "1916" or Saxon's "Broken Heroes"? And, if not, why not?
Yes, we have the song Ballad of Bull. And dont forget Lifetime of War. And maybe Final Solution would count as one too.
And here are our questions from METALHEAD.ro
MH: You play for over 15 years but in the last 4-5 your career exploded. We think is because the hard work, the exceptional albums, the consistent touring and the good marketing & PR you guys have. Whats your oppinion? Whats the secret?
Well, for sure that a lot of tours helps. Since we are not usually played on radio or TV basicly the only way for us to spread our music is to play live. Glad that we like to play live so much!
MH: Whats the story with the Yamaha tank for the drums? It’s a very cool piece that blews your mind off ! Who had the ideea?
I had the idea for a long time. I always liked big stagesets and theatratrical ideas. This makes the impression of a Sabaton show a little more exciting!
MH: How was working with Peter Tagtgren for your first songs back in 1999? We had him last year in Romania with Hypocrist and the guy’s total nuts, in the good way (besides the artistic career wich he takes it very seriously and profesionally)
In the beginning we did not work with Peter, we worked with his brother Tommy. But Peter was always there somewhere. Putting his imput into the songs and sound. We like to work with him. He is fun and very dedicated. And its easy since he lives just 20 minutes from us.
MH: What do you know about Romania and how were the two shows you already had here?
We alwasys had more people then we expected in Romania. Which is ncie. We are not sure how it can come so many. Like for example in Bulgaria we done more festivals and shows but still there are more fans coming to our shows in Romania. I am very happy that people come to our shows in such big numbers and hope it continues!
MH: Heroes is one of your best albums so far and it hit the charts almost instantly. What’s the secret behinddoing so many good albums? (most bands get two out of 5 if they’re lucky)
We stay true to our sound but still evolve just a little. On every album we push 1 or 2 songs a bit out of the traditional Sabaton sound. Seeing if it works. If it works we know what we can easely do on the next album!
MH: Tell us more about Falun in 2015. There are almost 10 dozens of fans from here that go there every year. What will make Falu again special in 2015?
Our hometown festival is always special. And there are fans from more then 30 countries coming efvery year, including Romania. Its one part which makes it so special. The fact that fans from so many different countries meet up and enjoy it together, from all over the planet.
And of course its the show where we can do a big production and basicly whatever we want with pyros and such.
Thank you !
Biletele pentru concertul Sabaton pot fi gasite online pe: www.iabilet.ro, www.eventim.ro, www.myticket.ro siwww.bilete.ro, precum si in retelele clasice fizice precum Magazinul Muzica, Uman, Senia, Perfect Tour, Diverta, Humanitas, Germanos, Vodafone, Carturesti, Sala Palatului, Domo, Orange, Posta Romana etc..
Facebook Event: www.facebook.com/events/302822909877204/
Concertul Sabaton, Delain si Battle Beast de la Bucuresti este un warm up party oficial pentru METALHEAD Meeting 2015 unde ii veti putea vedea pe Amorphis, Bloodbath, Triptykon, Primordial, The Sirens, Lacrimas Profundere si multi multi altii ! Nu uitati ca pentru METALHEAD Meeting doar pana joi pe 15 ianuarie inclusiv gasiti abonamente earlybird la doar 80 de lei pe 3 zile de fetstival !
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