SABATON vor intra in studio pentru a inregistra un nou material, la inceputul anului 2024

de Cristi Nedelcu

SABATON vor intra in studio pentru a inregistra un nou material, la inceputul anului 2024

Intr-un nou interviu acordat pentru FaceCulture, bassistul si managerul Sabaton, Par Sundstrom, a confirmat ca el si colegii sai de trupa au inceput sa lucreze la un material nou pentru continuarea albumului „The War To End All Wars” din 2022. Acesta a spus: "SABATON hasn't been so active touring since we ended the last tour in the spring. We have obviously been busy elsewhere, working on new music. And I'm very excited."

Referindu-se la faptul ca formatia SABATON este cunoscuta pentru versurile si videoclipurile sale care spun povesti legate de batalii si razboaie istorice, Sundstrom a declarat despre o posibila noua directie lirica pentru urmatorul LP al trupei: "I'm not gonna talk about where we're gonna go. I just say, okay, we can confirm that we are moving away from the First World War and we are going somewhere else in the history, 'cause we will still sing about history. And we are very excited about the topic that we have chosen."

Par a continuat spunand ca SABATON va intra in studio "in the beginning of next year. And it already feels very exciting."

SABATON a lansat recent filmul de animatie „The War To End All Wars”, care spune povestile de pe albumul „The War To End All Wars”. Incepe cu „Sarajevo”, un cantec despre asasinarea arhiducelui austriac Franz Ferdinand, care a declansat Primul Razboi Mondial. Se termina cu „Versailles”, despre Tratatul de la Versailles din 1918 care a pus capat razboiului.

SABATON are si canalul Sabaton History pe YouTube, care include, printre altele, priviri istorice despre cel de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial, istoria militara suedeza si chiar masacrul din 1995 de la Srebrenica.

Intr-un interviu recent cu Lora Vogt, vicepresedintele pentru educatie si interpretare la Muzeul si Memorialul National al Primului Razboi Mondial, principala institutie din America dedicata amintirii, interpretarii si intelegerii Marelui Razboi si a impactului sau de durata asupra comunitatii globale, Par a fost intrebat de ce el si colegii sai de trupa au facut eforturi atat de mari pentru a creste gradul de constientizare cu privire la importanta istoriei si pentru a incuraja mai multi oameni sa viziteze muzeele locale.

El a spus:"I never had that ambition in the beginning — never at all. I mean, it was like, 'Okay, we are a rock band.' And first of all, we are still a rock band. We're still a heavy metal band. This is our core. This is what we are best at, so to say, but we realized that there was so much more we can do with the topic that we have chosen. And that's why all the extensions of what we are doing with various videos and collaborations and these kind of things. Because we have chosen the topic of history and military history, there is a lot more we can do with the brand and with the band. Doubtless, no matter what we do, we are spreading history and, yes, there are various ways of accessing it. And some, they find it great. They listen to a song, and, yes, you can't maybe learn so much about something in three minutes of it or whatever; we have only a few words. That's why there are more [details] on our web site. There's historical articles as well. And we have the history channel where we have documentaries done about every song and you can move on. And if that is not enough for you, then the world is there to discover for them. We cannot be teaching them the depth of a specific project. They can touch us the surface. But I do believe that a person who would spend some time with SABATON and, let's say, if you would choose and you have school exams in World War I, you can pick up quite a lot by just our web site and what you can get from our songs, our history channel and from that. And after that, I think you can impress your teacher pretty well, if you pay attention, because you will take in quite a lot of information. And the same about a lot of other topics that we have covered in the past as well. So I do believe that you can impress quite a lot with the stuff that we have sort of created around our songs."

Artistul a adaugat: "And is it important? I think it is important. I think for anybody who doesn't understand where we come from, it's very easy to be judging people or judging the world. If you know the history and if you have seen the history, let's say, from a more objective point of view, which hopefully people get to do in a free world, so to say, then you get to see, like, 'Okay, this happened.' And you're, like, 'Aha. So that's why there is a line on the map that goes like that and it doesn't cover that city or the line is drawn there. Okay, I get it. Aha. So that's why this city is called that. Or that's why we are currently in France, but everybody's speaking German in this town.' And these kinds of things. And you get so much more if you pay a little attention to history, and you will also understand, like, 'Ah, that's why these people don't like these people' or 'these people really like these people.' So to give you that kind of more understanding of the world, I don't think that that can ever be held against you. I don't see that. I think it's in your favor. So anybody who has a good knowledge about history, I think that they have hopefully and probably a more humble approach to a lot of things. Sure, there can be leading to a lot of hatred too — that can be true. You can definitely grow that as well. That's when you make politics out of history, and we try to avoid that. We try to stay 'history is history.'"

In septembrie 2022, SABATON a anuntat o noua trilogie EP intitulata „Echoes Of The Great War”. Trilogia contine cantece noi, in special despre Primul Razboi Mondial, impreuna cu alte piese originale legate de acest subiect.

Ultimul EP din trilogia EP „Echoes Of The Great War”, „Stories From The Western Front”, a fost lansat in aprilie pe toate platformele. Acesta continea inclusiv un cover nemaiauzit pentru piesa binecunoscuta a trupei MOTORHEAD „1916”.

SABATON a urcat in topurile internationale cu cel de-al zecelea album de studio, „The War To End All Wars”, asigurandu-si pozitiile nr. 1 in Germania, Austria, Suedia, Polonia, Ungaria si Finlanda. Dupa ce a atins prima pozitie pentru a doua oara in Germania, Suedia si Finlanda, albumul a ajuns pe locul 1 in Polonia, Ungaria si Austria pentru prima data in cariera trupei. Acest lucru si alte rezultate remarcabile din alte tari au facut din „The War To End All Wars” cel mai de succes album al lui SABATON de pana acum.

Urmariti mai jos interviul de la FaceCulture.

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