Scorpions au lansat un videoclip pentru single-ul pentru ' When You Know (Where You Come From)'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Scorpions au lansat un  videoclip pentru single-ul  pentru ' When You Know (Where You Come From)'

Scorpions au lansat un videoclip pentru single-ul 'When You Know (Where You Come From)', o balada extrasa de pe noul album al trupei disponibil 'Rock Believer'.

"The new material sees us return to our roots. We simply wanted to reactivate the original Scorpions DNA – great riffs, strong melodies. We tried to transport that live feel to the studio with all five of us playing in one room again at last. Having Mikkey Dee in the band is like a shot of fresh energy and real fun.", a declarat solistul trupei, Klaus Meine.

Noul material a fost regizat de Joern Heitmann SI Hinrich Pflug si a fost produs de Alex Kiening si Ingo Georgi la Katapult Filmproduktion.

Clipul poate fi vizionat mai jos.

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