
Stiluri: Melodic Black

Biografie Shadowsong

The idea of Shadowsong and the universe around it was created by Cerberus(drums) in the winter of 2007. The first member he recruited was Eisenroth, with whom he played in an earlier music project, followed by Dani(keyboards). The first "official" song composed by the three was called "Moonlight Misery" and soon after, a fourth member joined the band, Colin(guitar). These events were followed by three gigs: two in Suceava and one in Falticeni at "Prockultura Festival". After the first Prockultura Festival edition, Ancient, who was an old friend and fan of the band joined in as a bass player. So, the lineup consisted in Cerberus, Eisenroth, Dani, Colin and Ancient...but this was about to change. After a concert in Discotheque Vox in Suceava Colin left the band. A new member had to be found...and that member was Septhiroth(guitar) who was also an old friend of the band. After Septhiroth joined, the band maintained a steady lineup having played at Metalis Night Festival III in Iasi,......Toata biografia Shadowsong

Stiri cu Shadowsong

  • Primul turneu Kistvaen debuteaza astazi in Barlad

    Astazi debuteaza A Pale Portrait Of Imperfection, primul turneul din cariera grupului autohton Kistvaen, de altfel si poate prima formatie din Romania ce abordeaza live sonoritatile depressive black metal, oferind o prestatie live pe masura. In deschiderea acestui turneu va evolua formatia suceveana Shadowsong ....

  • Shadowsong canta in deschiderea turneului Kistvaen

    Formatia Shadowsong a fost aleasa drept trupa de deschidere pentru o mare parte a concertelor din turneul national Kistvaen - 'A Pale Portrait Of Imperfection'. Grupul isi are radacinile in Moldova, Suceava zona renumita pentru afinitatea catre zona metal, cu preponderenta catre cea pagan. Shadowsong au luat nastere...

  • Concert lansare de album Shadowsong in Suceava

    Vineri, 7 mai 2010, ora 20:00, trupa Shadowsong va lansa albumul 'Elegies of Dusk and Shadows' la Discotheque Vox din Suceava. In deschidere vor concerta Laburinthos si Vile Obsession . Biletele se pot procura la intrare. Pretul unui bilet este de 10 lei.

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