Sirenia raman fara solista Pilar Gimenez Garcia (Ailyn)
06 Iulie 2016 de Andreea Gherfi
Formatia norvegiana de symphonic gothic metal, Sirenia, se despart de solista lor Pilar Gimenez Garcia, cunoscuta sub numele de Ailyn. Aceasta a declarat ca paraseste formatia din motive personale, dar a marturisit ca nu a fost decizia ei ca acest lucru sa se intample.
Membrii ramasi in Sirenia au declarat ca inregistrarile noului album vor continua, dar sunt in cautarea unei soliste care s-o inlocuiasca pe Ailyn.
"Sirenia and Ailyn have decided to part ways for personal reasons. We part ways on good terms and we wish Ailyn the best of luck for her future endeavours. Thanks a lot for the great years we shared in the band and thanks for all your efforts in this period, we are forever grateful. It has been a true delight and privilege working with you, may all your dreams be fulfilled and may your future shine. Sirenia will spend the next two months finishing the recordings of our upcoming album. The band is in the process of engaging a new singer to take over the lead singer role in the group. All tours and shows from September 2016 and forward will go as planned. We will be back soon with more news. Stay tuned!", a declarat formatia Sirenia
"Dear friends, I'm very sorry for the bad news. I have to confirm the statement posted on the Sirenia page earlier. Sirenia and I are going our separate ways. This decision was not mine, I didn't take part of it. I want to thank Sirenia for eight and a half wonderful years touring around the world. I am grateful for the chances I had to meet a lot of you and make new friends. I wish Sirenia all the best for the future and hopefully our paths will cross again. The good memories will always be in my heart. For now I don't know what the future holds but I am super excited about finding out. I will for sure keep working with music, and hopefully it will give me the opportunity to be back on the road so we can meet again soon. But first I will enjoy some days of Norwegian summer and as soon as I am on to something you'll be the first to know.", a marturisit fosta solista, Aylin.
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