Solistul celor de la Skid Row, Johny Solinger a anuntat ca paraseste formatia pentru a se dedica unei cariere solo.
Este recunoscator pentru oportunitatea pe care a avut-o, insa acum are alte prioritati. Intrebat ce parere ar avea daca s-ar intoarce Sebastian Bach in cadrul formatiei, Solinger a spus ca pentru el nu este nicio problema dar ca nu crede ca se va intampla acest lucru.
In 2012, Bach a facut public faptul ca ar vrea sa reuneasca Skid Row in formula clasica: "For the fans, I would be willing to put my ego aside and do something that would be special for the people who put us where we are today... I do not personally want it myself. But it's not always about 'what I want.' If the fans really want to see us together, I would do it for the fans. Sometimes you can do things for people other than yourself."
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