Jay Weinberg de la Slipknot, a fost numit Tobosarul de metal al anului" 2022 de catre cititorii revistei Modern Drummer

de Cristi Nedelcu

Jay Weinberg de la Slipknot, a fost numit Tobosarul de metal al anului

Cititorii revistei Modern Drummer l-au votat pe Jay Weinberg de la Slipknot drept bateristul metal nr. 1 in sondajul 2022 al publicatiei.

In 1 septembrie 2022, Jay a lansat urmatoarea declaratie prin intermediul retelelor sociale: "It is truly an honor to be named Metal Drummer of the Year in the 2022 @modern_drummer Reader's Poll. I distinctly remember being a teenager, buying my first copy of Modern Drummer Magazine at my local drum shop. It's surreal and humbling to receive this recognition. Thank you so much to Modern Drummer, the entire MD community, and everyone who voted. Your support means the world to me. Tomas, Brann, Eloy, and Matt: you guys know how much your music means to me. Thank you all for the endless inspiration you've given the worldwide drumming community, and for everything you do to push the instrument forward. Thank you to my wife @chloweinberg, our dog @hiya___papaya, my parents and siblings, and my bandmates in @slipknot for the love and encouragement. I owe you all a debt of gratitude I can never repay.To everyone who's been in my corner all these years, thank you so much. I sincerely appreciate it."

Jay a descoperit Slipknot cand era preadolescent, prin tatal sau Max. Acesta a fost cucerit imediat si a fost un mare fan Slipknot. Jay a fost entuziasmat cand a fost invitat la Los Angeles pentru a incerca inlocuirea bateristului lui Joey Jordison in 2013.

In primele luni dupa lansarea piesei „.5: The Grey Chapter” din 2014, membrii SLIPKNOT au refuzat sa numeasca muzicienii care cantau la tobe si la bas in turneul lor, in ciuda faptului ca identitatile lor au fost dezvaluite- Jay Weinberg si basistul Alessandro „Vman” Venturella- de un fost drumtech nemultumit pentru SLIPKNOT, care a postat pe Instagram o poza din culise.

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