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Stiri cu Smiths
Johnny Marr, Goldlike Genius 2013
Distinctia "Godlike Genius" acordata de NME Awards va merge in acest an catre Johnny Marr, cunoscut ca fost chitarist al trupei The Smiths, anunta . Anul trecut titlul a mers catre Noel Gallagher, iar in 2011 catre solistul Foo Fighters, Dave Grohl. In 2013, fostul...
Zero sanse pentru o reuniune The Smiths
In ciuda unor zvonuri aparute (1 octombrie) cu privire la o reuniune The Smiths, chitaristul Johnny Marr a dezmintit imediat orice stire: 'Nu se intampla.' a declara managerul sau pentru NME. 'Ne ocupam exclusiv de albumul lui Johnny si concerte pentur 2013. Nimic legat de The Smiths.' Site-ul Holy Moly!...
'Morrissey vs. The Smiths' Vinyl Session in Flying Circus Pub din Cluj
Miercuri, 29 februarie, sunteti invitati in Flying Circus Pub din Cluj pentru Morrissey vs. The Smiths, Vinyl Session. "Servim o felie de nostalgie la temperatura camerei. Si daca asta inseamna ca ne transformam in niste batranei melomani, so be it. Macar recunoastem cu mandrie ca am imbatranit frumos, cu lights...
Johnny Marr pune The Smiths intr-o autobiografie
Johnny Marr a anunat pe Twitter ca urmeaza sa semneze un contract important cu o editura pentru a-si publica autobiografia. "Mi-a fost oferit un contract sa scriu o carte, unul important. Daca ma dedic cartii inseamna ca voi acorda mai putin timp muzicii. Dar o sa fac asta", a spus fostul membru al...
David Cameron este intrebat despre The Smiths in Camera Comunelor
David Cameron a primit intrebari referitoare la dragostea sa declarata fata de trupa The Smiths la sesiunea de intrebari Prime Minister's Questions in Camera Comunelor, in cadrul unei discutii despre cresterea taxelor in invatamant. Prim-ministrul a fost criticat recent atat de Morrissey , cat si de Johnny...
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Smiths
- Never Had No One Ever Chords
- Frankly Mr Shankly Chords
- Still Ill Bass Tab
- Girlfriend In A Coma Bass Tab
- Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want Chords
- Nowhere Fast Bass Tab
- Suffer Little Children Chords
- These Things Take Time Chords
- Vicar In A Tutu Chords
- Meat Is Murder Chords
- William It Was Really Nothing Chords
- You Just Havent Earned It Yet Baby Bass Tab
- This Charming Man Bass Tab
- This Charming Man (ver2) Tab
- The Queen Is Dead Bass Tab
- Golden Lights Chords
- Cemetery Gates Bass Tab
- This Charming Man Acoustic Chords
- Meat Is Murder Bass Tab
- Reel Around The Fountain Chords
- You Just Havent Earned It Yet Tab
- Unhappy Birthday Bass Tab
- Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me Chords
- How Soon Is Now Chords
- Unloveable Chords
- Girlfriend In A Coma Chords
- William It Was Really Nothing Tab
- Bigmouth Strikes Again Bass Tab
- Unloveable Bass Tab
- Jeane Chords
- The Headmaster Ritual Bass Tab
- Sweet And Tender Hooligan Bass Tab
- Shelia Take A Bow Chords
- This Charming Man Chords
- These Things Take Time Bass Tab
- William It Was Really Nothing (ver2) Tab
- This Charming Man (ver4) Bass Tab
- What She Said Bass Tab
- This Night Has Opened My Eyes Tab
- Well I Wonder Bass Tab
- This Charming Man (ver2) Bass Tab
- Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others Tab
- Well I Wonder Chords
- This Charming Man (ver5) Bass Tab
- Shelia Take A Bow Tab
- Panic Chords
- Stop Me If You Think Youve Heard This One Before Tab
- The Hand That Rocks The Cradle (ver2) Tab
- Still Ill Chords
- William It Was Really Nothing Bass Tab