Stiluri: Pop rock
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Nickelback
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Avril Lavigne
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Simple Plan
Stiri cu Sting
Sting lanseaza albumul 'The Bridge'
Sting a lansat albumul "The Bridge", care contine piese precum „Rushing Water” si “If It's Love”. Cel de-al 15-lea album de studio al lui Sting prezinta talentul sau prolific si divers in compozitie. Pentru a explora albumul, fanii sunt invitati pe website-ul interactiv:...
Eagles Of Death Metal nu au avut voie sa intre la Bataclan
Jesse Hughes, solistul formatiei Eagles Of Death Metal, si inca un coleg de trupa au intampinat probleme cand au vrut sa participe la concertul lui Sting de la redeschiderea clubului Bataclan. Interdictia se datoreaza declaratiilor ofensatoare pe care solistul de la Eagles Of Death Metal le-a facut in presa...
Sting si Peter Gabriel pleca din nou impreuna in turneu
Sting si Peter Gabriel au colaborat pentru un turneu de succes si in anii '80 in asa numitul Amnesty International's Human Rights Now tour. De aceasta data artistii vor urca separat pe scena, insa promit ca nu se vor limita doar la acest lucru. ' They will meld their bands to explore each other’s...
Sting lanseaza un box set aniversar: The Definitive Box Set Collection
Cu ocazia aniversarii a 25 de ani de cariera, Sting lanseaza trei CD-uri ce includ 45 de piese remasterizate din cariera solo a lui Sting, precum si un DVD cuprinzand imagini live inedite si in premiera alaturi de o carte impresionanta ce include fotografii personale, versuri si o nota introductiva scrisa de Sting....
Sting aniverseaza 25 de ani de cariera
Pe 1 octombrie, Sting va da un concert special la Beacon Theater in Manhattan pentru a sarbatori 25 de ani de activitate solo. Concertul va include piese din toate perioadele (extrem de variate) ale artistului. Toate fondurile obtinute in urma acestui eveniment se vor indrepta spre Fundatia Robin Hood din New...
Videoclipuri Sting
Top Versuri Sting
Shape Of My Heart
Shape of My Heart
Christmas at Sea
Desert Rose
Soul Cake
Moon Over Bourbon Street
Every Breath You Take
The Hounds of Winter
Fields of Gold
Englishman in New York
Brand New Day
All This Time
A Cradle Song
When We Dance
Why Should I Cry for You?
Englishman In New York
Perfect Love... Gone Wrong
All This Time
Ain't No Sunshine
Next To You
Mad About You
Fragile [Portuguese]
Lullaby for an Anxious Child
The Pirate's Bride
Stolen Car
If You Love Somebody Set Them Free
If I Ever Lose My Faith in You
It's Probably Me
When We Dance
Sister Moon
Straight To My Heart
We Work The Black Seam
This War
Strange Fruit
Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot
The Book Of My Life
When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder
Whenever I Say Your Name
Seven Days
Sacred Love
Never Coming Home
Fields of Gold
Gabriel's Message
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Sting
- Shape Of My Heart (ver2) Tab
- Until Chords
- Shape Of My Heart Tab
- Fields Of Gold Chords
- Roxanne Acoustic Tab
- Shape Of My Heart Intro Tab
- Fragile Chords
- La Belle Dame Sans Regrets Chords
- Every Breath You Take Chords
- Englishman In New York Chords
- Fragile Tab
- Shape Of My Heart Bass Tab
- La Belle Dame Sans Regret Chords
- Desert Rose (ver2) Chords
- La Belle Dame Sans Regrets Tab
- Shape Of My Heart (ver2) Bass Tab
- Fortress Around Your Heart Chords
- Shape Of My Heart ver3 Chords
- Its Probably Me (ver2) Chords
- Shape Of My Heart (ver3) Tab
- English Man In New York Chords
- Its Probably Me Chords
- Every Breath You Take (ver2) Chords
- Fields Of Gold Tab
- Every Breath You Take Tab
- St Agnes And The Burning Train Tab
- Fields Of Gold (ver3) Chords
- When We Dance Intro Tab
- Mad About You Chords
- The Book Of My Life Chords
- Thousand Years Chords
- Valparaiso Bass Tab
- Like A Beautiful Smile Bass Tab
- Englishman In New York Solo Bass Tab
- Muoio Per Te Tab
- Roxanne Tab
- Desert Rose Chords
- Seven Days Chords
- They Dance Alone Chords
- Inside Chords
- Russians Chords
- Sister Moon Bass Tab
- Why Should I Cry For You Chords
- Fields Of Gold (ver4) Chords
- Fields Of Gold (ver2) Chords
- Every Breath You Take (ver3) Tab
- Brand New Day Tab
- Every Breath You Take (ver3) Chords
- Fortress Around Your Heart Tab
- This Cowboy Song Tab