BEHEMOTH au lansat videoclipul pentru piesa "Once Upon A Pale Horse"
07 Iunie 2023 de Cristi Nedelcu
Trupa poloneza BEHEMOTH a lansat videoclipul oficial al piesei „Once Upon A Pale Horse”. Clipul a fost regizat de Grupa13 si animatiile sunt realizate de Anton „strss893” Pavsyuk.
„Once Upon A Pale Horse” este preluat de pe cel de-al 12-lea album de studio al lui BEHEMOTH, „Opvs Contra Natvram”, care a fost lansat in septembrie anul trecut. LP-ul a fost descris anterior intr-un comunicat de presa ca fiind „a stark reminder of the rebellion, individuality, and unflinching self-expression that BEHEMOTH's phenomenal work imbues, shaped by a literary worldview."
Albumul „Opvs Contra Natvram” prezinta coperti duble si este disponibil atat in alb cat si negru. Acesta a fost lansat intr-o serie de diverse formate fizice concepute de Bartek Rogalewicz (Lodge.Black).
BEHEMOTH tocmai au pornit in turneul european „The Deathless Svmmer”. BEHEMOTH va participa la mai multe festivaluri mari, inclusiv Download, Hellfest, Graspop Metal Meeting, Sweden Rock si multe altele, iar in plus, acestia vor sustine si spectacole impreuna cu HYPOCRISY, VENDED, IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT si GAEREA.
Intr-un interviu recent acordat pentru Heavy din Australia, solistul BEHEMOTH Adam „Nergal” Darski a vorbit despre dorinta lui de a face „Opvs Contra Natvram” „sound very organic", mai ales in comparatie cu predecesorul sau, „I Loved You At Your Darkest” din 2018. El a spus:"Every band these days, you talk to every band, and every band — literally — heavy metal band, thrash, death, whatever, says, 'Oh, we managed to get that organic sound.' And then I go and listen to those records and I'm, like, 'There's nothing organic about this record.' Ninety-nine percent of the records, they sound robotic. Every f*****g click, every kick, every snare drum, every part of the record is exactly the same. It's not organic. 'Organic' is when music fluctuates, when there's dynamics, when it goes up and down. That's why we tapped Joe Barresi [to mix the LP]. You know him for his work with NINE INCH NAILS, QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE, MONSTER MAGNET and a lot of rock bands. SLIPKNOT… Basically, rock bands, mainstream bands. And he does this old-school mixing. He doesn't use Pro Tools. I mean, he uses Pro Tools, but then, when he's done with one song, he just pulls all the knobs down and starts from scratch. You go, 'Hey, but I wanted to do some tweaks in the previous one.' 'Sorry, it's done.' You've got to pay for everything again. So [when] it's done, it's done. You don't endlessly go and correct that, which is beautiful. Twenty, thirty years ago, it was done that way."
Acesta a continuat: "These days, you can f*****g perfect things to the point that you cannot f*****g listen to it, because the perfection makes things boring, imperfect and a whole lot uninteresting. Live, it's not perfect; that's why it's so f*****g exciting. So why make things that are just so f*****g polished? I don't get it, especially in extreme metal music. It's gotta be f*****g weird, it's gotta be dangerous. Where is the danger factor? So I really wanted to bring the danger factor back to our music. It was present, but maybe this is the record [where] it's the most present ever."
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