Currents s-au intors cu un nou single The Death We Seek"
01 Septembrie 2022 de Cristi Nedelcu
De la albumul din 2020, The Way It Ends, Currents au avut o pauza in care au mai lucrat la noi materiale iar noul single al trupei, „The Death We Seek”, este deja foarte bine primit de fani si critici.
Videoclipul „The Death We Seek” a fost lansat ieri prin SharpTone Records si videoclipul este regizat de Chris Klumpp. Piesa „The Death We Seek” a fost produsa de Ryan Leitru (In Search Of Solace, Like Moths To Flames, We Came As Romans) si mixat si masterizat de inginerul Jeff Dunne (Wage War, Silent Planet, Make Them Suffer).
„The Death We Seek is about the weight of our choices and our responsibility for their outcomes”, a spus vocalistul Brian Wille. „The video follows two individuals attempting to stop a looming apocalypse, only to be sabotaged by forces beyond their control or understanding. This song was written shortly after the completion and release of [2020 full-length] The Way It Ends, and felt like the perfect way to build on and continue the story behind the music and reintroduce ourselves to the world.”
Currents este o formatie americana de metalcore din Fairfield, Connecticut, fondata in 2011. Dupa numeroase schimbari de componenta, in acest moment, trupa e formata din cantaretul Brian Wille, chitaristii Ryan Castaldi si Chris Wiseman, basistul Dee Cronkite si bateristul Jeff Brown.
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