Metallica a lansat videoclipuri cu versuri pentru noul single, "Lux Aeterna", in mai multe limbi straine

de Cristi Nedelcu

Metallica a lansat videoclipuri cu versuri pentru noul single,

Metallica a lansat ieri, in 7 decembrie, videoclipuri cu versuri pentru noul single, „Lux Aeterna”, in mai multe limbi diferite: engleza, japoneza, germana, spaniola si portugheza. „Lux Aeterna” este primul single de pe cel de-al 12-lea album de studio al trupei Metallica intitulat „72 Seasons”, care urmeaza sa fie lansat pe 14 aprilie 2023 prin intermediul Blackened Recordings. Produs de Greg Fidelman cu James Hetfield si Lars Ulrich de la Metallica si cu o durata de peste 77 de minute,albumul „72 Seasons” contine 12 melodii si este prima colectie completa a formatiei Metallica de la „Hardwired…To Self-Destruct” din 2016.

In ceea ce priveste inspiratia pentru titlul albumului „72 Seasons”, Hetfield a spus: "'72 Seasons' came out of a book I was reading about childhood, basically, and sorting out childhood as an adult. And 72 seasons is basically the first 18 years of your life. How do you evolve and grow and mature and develop your own ideas and identity of self after those first 72 seasons? Some things are more difficult than others — you know, some things you can't unsee and they're with you for the rest of your life, and other things you're able to rewind the tape and make a new tape in your life. So that's the real interesting part for me, is how you're able to address those situations as an adult and mature."

Acesta a continuat: "There's been a lot of darkness in my life and in our career and things that have happened with us, but always having a sense of hope, always having the light that is in that darkness… Without darkness, there is no light, and being able to focus a little more on the light in life instead of all of the… how it used to be and how horrible it is... There's a lot of good things going on in life — focusing on that instead, and it helps to balance out my life. And there's no one meaning to it — everyone has some sense of hope or light in their life, and, obviously, music is mine. And the song specifically talks about gathering of people at a concert and [being] able to see the joy and the life and the love that comes out of music and the family and the kinship in that, and just a sense of uplifting."

Hetfield a declarat despre piesa "Lux Aeterna": "'Lux Aeterna' is an upbeat, kind of fast and joyous song, I would say — really indicative of New Wave Of British [Heavy] Metal stuff, so kind of a harkening-back-to-'80s kind of riff. It's just fun and makes me move. It was fun making the video, fun recording a song that comes out really easy, that was a real easy song to write and to perform, like I said, very much like the early '80s for us."

Mai jos puteti urmari videoclipul oficial al piesei care a aparut in urma cu 9 zile, precum si videou-rile cu versuri in diverse limbi straine.

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