METALHEAD.ro » Stiri » MIKE MUSHOK spune ca viitorul album al trupei STAIND are "an electronic element" care nu a fost prezent pana acum in muzica lor
MIKE MUSHOK spune ca viitorul album al trupei STAIND are "an electronic element" care nu a fost prezent pana acum in muzica lor
05 Iulie 2023 de Cristi Nedelcu
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Chitaristul STAIND Mike Mushok a vorbit cu Cutter's Rockcast despre viitorul album al trupei, „Confessions Of The Fallen”, care va fi lansat in septembrie prin Alchemy Recordings/BMG. Primul album nou LP al lui STAIND din 2011 a fost produs de Erik Ron (GODSMACK, PANIC! AT THE DISCO, BLACK VEIL BRIDES).
Intrebat daca primul single din „Confessions Of The Fallen”, o melodie numita „Lowest In Me”, este o buna reprezentare a intregului LP, Mike a spus: "Listen, there's a couple of songs that kind of go to, I think, what we're actually really known for — that 'It's Been Awhile', 'Outside' type of thing. But a lot of it has the heavy [edge to it]. And there's something — there's an electronic element that there wasn't in any of our stuff before; it's in this. There's a couple of songs that have a little bit more [of it than others]. And that was something that Aaron [Lewis, STAIND frontman] spoke of for a long time, that he wanted to do. And I really think that Erik, the producer, was really helpful in bringing that element to what we do. 'Cause I remember, in our preliminary talks of it, I was, like, 'I don't know how to write a record like that, 'cause that's not what I do.' And it was something as simple as taking a guitar riff that I wrote and playing it on a synthesizer or breaking it up and making some cool sounds out of it."
Mushok a continuat declarand: "real happy with the way that it turned out. It was definitely a little — I just wasn't sure," a spus acesta. "But as I heard it, I was, like, 'Oh.' Actually, I really liked it… I can't wait for people to hear it, 'cause I really feel like it worked. I feel like it's STAIND 2023, I guess. It's kind of… It's a little more modern version, I think, of what we've always done."
Luna trecuta, Mushok a vorbit cu postul de radio Z93 din Saginaw, Michigan, despre motivul pentru care i-a luat formatiei STAIND atat de mult timp sa realizeze un nou album de studio. El a spus: "I always hoped that [we would get around to working on new music]. Aaron wanted to pursue his country career and kind of felt like doing STAIND was something that would be detrimental to what that would be. He had to show the country people, 'I'm a country guy.' And I was able to go off and do a few other things, which was great — play with some really great people, musicians. Thankfully I was able to do that. That being said, I'm very thankful that we're back together and doing this. Because this is really kind of what I started with Aaron — over 28 years ago, whatever, or 27 years ago; whatever it was. So it's great to be able to be back making music again. And I'm looking forward to going out and doing these shows."
Intrebat daca trupa s-a gandit la un nou album atunci cand s-a reunit pentru primul spectacol live din ultimii cinci ani, in septembrie 2019, la festivalul de muzica Louder Than Life din Louisville, Kentucky, Mike a spus:"There was always talk of doing music. Even when we were off, it was funny — I remember Aaron would call me randomly, and I would always be at the same place, this indoor soccer place at my son's soccer game. And I would be, like, 'Oh, it's Aaron.' And we would kind of talk about ultimately [writing new music]. We knew it was in the future. We never had any plans. Then it finally started to come together. I wanna say 2018, I think, we started talking about it. And, honestly, that KORN tour [in 2021] was really where a lot of the record got put together, was on that. I was working every day, and I was able to demo a lot of the songs on that tour and able to get Aaron in a room and say, 'Listen to some of the music,' and get some direction from him of where he wanted it to go and some changes that he wanted to make and what he liked and what he didn't like. So a lot was done on that, and it really gave me the foundation and kind of a roadmap of where things should go. So it was actually really productive and a really good time."
STAIND a lansat recent videoclipul regizat de DJay Brawner pentru piesa „Lowest In Me”, care se poate viziona mai jos in articol.
In mai, Mushok a povestit cu Lou Brutus de la HardDrive Radio despre procesul de crealizare e a cantecelor pentru „Confessions Of The Fallen”: "I had a lot of songs, and they were all demoed. So it was basically just instrumental songs. I would take something that I liked, and I would just play it for him. Aaron would listen. And [he would say], 'Oh, I like that verse. Maybe we could try this. Maybe change the chorus a little.' So it was just really kind of getting ideas of where he was at, what music that I had that he was wanting to sing over and really kind of taking those notes, going back and reconstructing the songs, if need be, changing parts, rewriting stuff. And finally when we decided we were gonna do it, and I kind of had a pretty good group of what I thought would make up the record, and Erik ended up being the producer, Erik and I kind of went back and did the same process through the music. Kind of refining the songs, demoing them. And he'd take it to Aaron and they would work on the melody and the lyrics."
Intr-un interviu acordat pentru Billboard, Lewis a spus ca a durat "a long time to be ready to do another STAIND record. I got really burnt out on digging into the dark corners of my psyche every night to deliver those very deep, dark songs in a manner that was believable and authentic," a explicat acesta. "I needed to step away from it for awhile and do something different. It just came back together naturally."
In ceea ce priveste inspiratia lirica pentru „Loest In Me”, Aaron a declarat pentru Billboard: "Everybody has got people in their lives that don't bring out the good in somebody. Just with what's going on in the world right now, there's so many things, so many people that are like, 'You bring out the lowest in me.' There's a lot of factors out there that could fall under the 'you' category."
Cand „Confessions Of The Fallen” a fost anuntat in aprilie, Lewis a declarat despre directia muzicala a LP-ului: "I did want to modernize the sound and bring us up to date. You can certainly recognize the band but at the same time you can hear that we've been paying attention and understand what kind of sounds and approaches we can use that maybe weren't around the last time we did this."
STAIND a lansat sapte albume din 1995, cel mai recent fiind materialul din 2011. Trupa a avut o serie de melodii de succes in primele doua decenii, inclusiv top 10 smash "It's Been Awhile" de pe albumul nr. 1 "Break The Cycle". Ultimele LP-uri „14 Shades Of Grey” si „Chapter V” au ocupat, de asemenea, primul loc in topul Billboard.
STAIND a lansat primul sau album in noua ani, „Live: It’s Been Awhile”, in mai 2021 prin Yap'em/Alchemy Recordings. Albumul „Live: It’s Been Awhile” a fost insotit de „The Return Of Staind”, o serie de streaming-uri globale realizate in doua parti, in parteneriat cu Danny Wimmer Presents.
Mai jos puteti viziona "Lowest in Me".
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