Bassistul MOTLEY CRUE, Nikki Sixx, a dezvaluit ca lucreaza la a cincea sa carte.
Sixx este de patru ori cel mai bine vandut autor din New York Times, cu „The First 21” (2021), „This Is Gonna Hurt” (2011), „The Heroin Diaries” (2007) si biografia MOTLEY CRUE „The Dirt: Confessions Of The World's Most Notorious Rock Band" (2001).
Ieri seara (7 august), Sixx a scris pe retelele sale de socializare: "Started on my 5th book. If things go smoothly we should be able to release it next year. If it connects it will be my 5th time on the New York Times best seller list...."
"It's an honor to write books.
I'll keep you in the loop......
Thank you for always supporting my addiction to words."
In noiembrie 2021, ultima carte a lui Sixx, „The First 21: How I Became Nikki Sixx”, a intrat pe lista celor mai bine vandute New York Times pe locul 8 in topul Hardcover si pe locul 11 pe lista combinata de carti tiparite si ebooks.
In „The First 21: How I Became Nikki Sixx”, Sixx a spus povestea lui de origine: cum Frank Feranna a devenit Nikki Sixx, relatand calatoria sa fascinanta de la ireprimabilul baiat de la o ferma din Idaho la omul care a format grupul revolutionar de rock MOTLEY CRUE.
In urma cu mai putin de doi ani, Sixx a spus ca lucreaza la o carte pentru copii despre diversitate impreuna cu sotia sa Courtney Sixx.
"Me and my wife are working on a book about this little girl who goes to all of these countries in her imagination," a declarat Nikki pentru The Aquarian Weekly. "She goes to Africa and she has this little African boy or girl teaching her about that culture, or she goes to England, and then she goes to Wyoming and learns about horses, then goes to Japan and learns about the food and the culture and the language. That is a great idea."
Biografia MOTLEY CRUE „The Dirt” a inspirat filmul din 2019 cu acelasi nume.
MOTLEY CRUE a intrat recent in studio cu producatorul de multa vreme Bob Rock si a inregistrat trei piese noi, inclusiv „Dogs Of War” si un cover dupa „(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party!)” de la BEASTIE BOYS.
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