Luna trecuta, trupa nominalizata la Grammy, SUM 41, a lansat un nou single, „Landmines”, prin Rise Records, alaturi de un videoclip. Piesa va aparea pe viitorul album al trupei SUM 41, „Heaven :x: Hell”, care va fi lansat la inceputul anului 2024. Prima parte a LP-ului in doua parti, cunoscuta sub numele de „Heaven”, revine in stilul old-school al trupei, de pop punk, in timp ce a doua parte este mai heavy („Hell”) si include piese mai apropiate de stilul muzical actual al formatiei SUM 41.
Solistul SUM 41 Deryck Whibley a declarat pentru TheresaRockFace de la postul de radio 94.5 The Buzz din Houston, Texas despre viitorul album: "It's two totally different records. It's 10 songs each side. I would call like early SUM 41 pop punk, and the 'Hell' side is like newer, heavier SUM 41 that we've kind of done the past couple of records, that sort of style. I don't wanna call it metal, but it's our version of what we do that's heavy and metal influenced."
Acesta a spus: "Over the years, we've done both sort of styles. We've had more heavy music than pop-punk music, but since we started with that on those first two records, it's kind of like you're labeled that for the rest of your life. But there are fans of ours that don't really care for any of the pop-punk stuff and only like the heavier stuff, and vice versa."
Conform declaratiilor lui Whibley, "There are no guests" pe "Heaven :x: Hell": "There was some talk about it," a spus artistul. "We've never really done that. And as the record starts moving along, it just gets finished, and we're, like, 'Well, I guess we've done the record now.' Those ideas come up early on, and then once the songs are done, we're, like, 'I don't know. Maybe we'll just leave it as is.'"
Intrebat daca exista o data oficiala de lansare pentru „Heaven :x: Hell”, Whibley a spus: "There's no release date for it yet. No, not yet. I have a feeling it'll probably be early next year, kind of like spring. That's what I think. All that stuff's being worked out right now."
Whibley a vorbit si despre procesul de compozitie a cantecelor pentru „Heaven :x: Hell” si despre cum s-a transformat materialul intr-un album dublu. El a spus: "It wasn't really that fast [to make], but it also wasn't intentional. There was no thought or idea to make a double album. The music just kind of came out that way. And I'm always a believer in the music tells you what to do. So I didn't have this idea of, like, 'I'm gonna write a bunch of pop-punk songs and write a bunch of heavy songs.' I was just writing stuff and collecting music, and I didn't know what it was for. And one day I just decided, 'Okay, I've got all these songs. I'm gonna put 'em on a disc and go drive around in the car and listen to just see what I have.' And once I listened to it all, it kind of spoke to me. It was just, like, 'This needs to be a double album, 'cause they're two separate albums.' There was no thought of it. And even with the band, I didn't tell them, 'Hey, I think this is a double album.' I just sent them the music and said, 'Listen to everything that I've been working on. Tell me what you think.' And one by one, each guy came back and said, 'What do you think about doing a double album?' So the music spoke to all of us."
In mai, SUM 41 a anuntat ca formatia se va destrama dupa finalizarea turneului mondial pentru promovarea materialului nou „Heaven :x: Hell”.
Cariera de peste 24 de ani a trupei SUM 41 include peste 15 milioane de discuri vandute in intreaga lume, mai multe lansari in topurile Billboard, o nominalizare la premiile Grammy, doua premii Juno (sapte nominalizari), un Kerrang! Premiu in 2002, precum si mai multe premii Alternative Press Music Awards.
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