Noul album concept al trupei APOCALYPTICA va fi lansat in 2024

de Cristi Nedelcu

Noul album concept al trupei APOCALYPTICA va fi lansat in 2024

Noul album concept al trupei APOCALYPTICA va fi lansat in 2024.

Intr-un nou interviu pentru Backstage TV din Republica Ceha, Eicca Toppinen de la APOCALYPTICA a fost intrebat daca fanii se pot astepta sa auda muzica noua de la el si colegii sai de trupa in viitorul apropiat. El a raspuns: "There's always new music. Years ago, when we preparing for the 'Cell-0' album, we kind of realized that, 'Okay, this modern streaming world gives us the possibility to do different things at the same time.' That's why we made 'Cell-0' a fully instrumental album because we knew, okay, we like to do vocal collaborations as well, but we don't need to squeeze everything in the same package. That's why we've been releasing constantly just individual songs. Since 'Cell-0', we released 'White Room' with Jacoby Shaddix [of PAPA ROACH], we released 'Talk To Me' [with Lzzy Hale of HALESTORM], we did a classical EP of [Maurice] Ravel's 'Bolero' stuff. And now the latest release is 'Rise Again' with Simone Simons [EPICA]. And we are working on another vocal song now with a European female singer. Hopefully it will come out in the summer. And then we also start to record a new album in May. It will be out sometime late next year. Because we are constantly on tour, so we are doing the album in between the tours in a couple of different periods. I can't reveal the concept yet, but it's gonna be a concept album. And it's gonna be interesting. It's been exciting to kind of prepare the material for it. But we are constantly [putting out new music]; let's say there's four releases every year."

In ceea ce priveste procesul de scriere a melodiilor trupei APOCALYPTICA, Eicca a spus: „ "I've written most of the original music, and Perttu [Kivilaakso] has done a lot, and Mikko [Sir�n, drums] has done a few great songs as well. So it differs a little bit. I've done a lot of co-writing, especially when we're working on songs with vocals. I've been teaming up with some really good songwriters, like the top writers and stuff, to get the best result out of the music written."

Acesta a continuat: "Usually when we do original music, pretty much whoever writes the music is doing it pretty far," he explained. "Of course we do the final arrangement together, but it's a pretty independent process. But now, for example, we've been working on some arrangements and that kind of stuff, and that's something that we operate usually more as a band together. So it varies. There's no general rule, how to do things. And that's actually a thing that we want to break the rules all the time, because the essence of APOCALYPTICA and the main reason why we still exist is that we are searching all the time something new — new ways to do music; not to stay in our comfort zone; not to do only what we know already… And that's why there's no formula for, basically, anything. So that kind of keeps the creativity alive and keeps making new music exciting for us."

In martie trecut, Eicca a discutat cu Mataas Arteaga de la webzine-ul chilian Rock Legacy despre single-urile recente ale APOCALYPTICA, inclusiv „Rise Again”, despre care a declarat ca sunt "are all totally separate" from the band's upcoming album. Because we realized that this modern release culture, with digital platforms, allows us, actually, to do different types of APOCALYPTICA at the same time in different formats," a explicat acesta. "So we have an album that's instrumental; then we do those singles that are vocal collaborations; and then we also release this classical EP. So we actually can do a lot of things at the same time. At the moment, there's no plans… Those singles are not part of the album," a subliniat artistul. "We are just starting to work on material for the next album, which is gonna be something totally different again. And still we are going to release singles on the way before we get the album ready. So we kind of want to have continuously coming out some songs."

Insotit de un videoclip muzical artistic si unic regizat de Lisa Mann, „Rise Again” a fost o noua versiune a piesei instrumentale „Rise” a APOCALYPTICA, preluata de pe cel mai recent album al trupei „Cell-0”.

„Metal Classic, Classic Metal” a fost lansat in septembrie anul trecut. Materialul a inclus piesa „Flight Of The Bumblebees”. „Metal Classic, Classic Metal” continea si o noua versiune a „5th Symphony” a lui Beethoven, precum si un remake al piesei „Bolero” de Maurice Ravel.

In martie 2022, APOCALYPTICA a lansat single-ul „I’ll Get Through It”, care a fost scris pentru trupa de compozitorul american Diane Warren. Pe album se pot auzi si Franky Perez – vocalist invitat in albumul „Shadowmaker” al lui APOCALYPTICA din 2015 – precum si Geezer Butler de la BLACK SABBATH la chitara bass. Piesa s-a nascut dintr-o vizita pe care Geezer si Franky i-au facut-o prietenei lor Diane, care deja scrisese piesa „Not Strong Enough” pentru APOCALYPTICA, inclusa in albumul lor din 2010 „7th Symphony”.

„Shadowmaker” din 2015 a fost primul album al APOCALYPTICA care a prezentat doar un cantaret – Perez – in loc de colaboratori invitati. Discul a fost inregistrat cu producatorul castigator al premiului Grammy Nick Raskulinecz (FOO FIGHTERS, DEFTONES, MASTODON).

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