PUDDLE OF MUDD anunta lansarea noului album "Ubiquitous" si lanseaza single-ul "My Baby"
12 Iulie 2023 de Cristi Nedelcu
PUDDLE OF MUDD va lansa un nou album intitulat „Ubiquitous”, pe 8 septembrie prin Pavement Entertainment. Materialul va fi disponibil pe platformele de streaming din intreaga lume.
Solistul si chitaristul de la PUDDLE OF MUDD, Wes Scantlin, a declarat despre albumul nou: "Fans can expect another really catchy, hooky record from PUDDLE OF MUDD."
Pentru a oferi tuturor o previzualizare a ceea ce urmeaza, PUDDLE OF MUDD a lansat o piesa noua de pe album, intitulata „My Baby”. Cantecul evoca un sunet grunge emblematic pe care ascultatorii il vor indragi cu siguranta.
Fanii formatelor traditionale pot comanda noul album semnat PUDDLE OF MUDD pe CD si vinil. Exista, de asemenea, pachete speciale disponibile cu un tricou in editie limitata de la Pavement Entertainment.
Piesele de pe albumul "Ubiquitous" sunt:
01. My Baby
02. Dance with Me
03. Cash & Cobain
04. Butterface
05. Candy
06. Running Out Of Time
07. Man In The Mirror
08. U Wrekd Me
09. Complication
10. California
11. Poke Out My Eyes
Intr-un interviu din decembrie 2022 cu Matt Bingham de la postul de radio Z93, Scantlin a confirmat ca a lucrat cu fostul bassist PUDDLE OF MUDD Doug Ardito si cu fostul chitarist PUDDLE OF MUDD Christian Stone la materialul pentru viitorul LP al trupei. El a spus: "It's awesome, man. Those guys are just amazing, and they will always be amazing, amazing musicians and songwriters. They've actually stored so many songs that we have actually collaborated together with in the last 10, whatever, years. And I can't wait to be able to work with them and go back and forth and do a collaboration-type deal. But, fortunately, they have families and stuff. And God bless all their children and their families and everything. Families are the most important thing."
Referitor la colaborarea dintre Ardito si Stone care face totul atat de special, Scantlin a spus: "They're genius. They get it. They understand a badass vibe. They get into a zone. They're just hit-making motherfuckers, man. They've got the skills to throw hits out. It's gonna be crazy, amazing music."
Cu doua luni inainte Wes a declarat pentru emisiunea KCAL-FM "Wired In The Empire" de la Radioul 96.7 ca "the only thing" pe care l-a facut in pandemie a fost sa: "write songs and re-collaborate with Doug Ardito and Christian Stone, former bandmates of mine and brilliant musicians, man. They've been forwarding a lot of songs that are really, really freakin' amazing," a spus acesta. "And I wanna go back in the studio with [producer] John Kurzweg, who did [the] 'Come Clean' and 'Life On Display' [albums]. Yeah, I'm gonna work with him again. 'Cause that guy is the magic man — John Kurzweg, man. He's amazing. Doug Ardito, Christian Stone — just killer writers, amazing guys, amazing musicians."
Scantlin a mai spus si ca noul album al trupei este "basically pretty much done" in mai 2022 intr-un interviu cu Jave Patterson de la Radioul Reno's Rock 104.5. Acesta a declarat: "I've just gotta polish it a little bit up and revise a couple of things. I did a lot of work with Doug Ardito [and] Christian Stone that used to be playing with me and stuff like that. And they had basically saved a bunch of songs that were recorded. And I'm really happy about it. It was a little funky, but I'm glad that it was put into a musical vault. So it takes a lot of weight off my shoulders."
Wes a avut probleme aproape non-stop cu legea, alcoolul, finantele, etc inainte de a renunta la baut in anul 2017. Scantlin a spus ca a ajuns sa se intoarca la dezintoxicare si sa primeasca tratament "because there's really nowhere else to go". De asemenea, acesta a multumit familiei sale si fanilor pentru ca acestia i-au dat puterea sa isi revina.
PUDDLE OF MUDD a fost format in 1991 in Kansas City de Scantlin, singurul membru original al trupei. Grupul a intrat in mainstream cu „Come Clean” din 2001, care a continut trei hituri – „Control”, „Blurry” si „She Hates Me”.
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