Solistul Falling in Reverse acuzat de viol

de Cristi Nedelcu

Solistul Falling in Reverse acuzat de viol

Ronnie Radke, solistul celor de la Falling in Reverse este acuzat ca ar fi luat parte la un viol in grup. Totul ar fi avut loc pe data de 3 Iunie, dupa concertul sustinut de Falling in Reverse in Murray, Utah.

Presupusa victima este Kacee Boswell, care a postat urmatorul mesaj pe paginasa de Facebook:

"I’ve been a victim of sexual assault too many times. Once is too many. Four times is too many for any person. Please pray for me.

Broken nose (previous to assault) bruises all over my body and a three inch contusion on my jaw and torn throat ligaments from fighting back. Thanks Ashley-Jade Thewlis & Levi Rounds for taking care of me and putting that monster on blast.

The situation has blown up on social media. He even tweeted about me being a dumbass.

75% is fangirls saying I should kill myself and 25% are people saying he can never come back to Utah.

As if having a rape kit and a severe contusion on my jaw weren’t enough."

Informatiile au fost confirmate si de un prieten al victimei care a declarat urmatoarele:

"A pile of literal human garbage named Ronnie Radke gang raped someone really important to me last night (because that’s how real men treat women, with their bodyguard as backup) and tossed her out onto the curb. He’s some has been, talentless musician that was playing the Murray Theater last night. If any of my friends book him, defend him, or even mention his name around me, we aren’t friends anymore. I hope he dies a slow painful death surrounded by people cheering on his suffering, Christ like, minus the martyrdom."

La scurt timp, Ronnie Radke a oferit o declaratie presei prin care neaga absoult orice acuzatie.

"The Internet is a wonderful place because everyone has a voice. It’s also an awful place for the same reason. This isn’t the first time people have taken it upon themselves to spread ugly, unsubstantiated claims about myself and my friends. No one from our band or crew were arrested in Utah. After our show in Salt Lake City, we were concerned for someone who appeared to be under the influence and called 911. I personally spoke with law enforcement. I certainly was never under arrest or charged with any crime."

Redke a mai adaugat:

"The alleged victim told the Daily News that she sustained a bruised jaw, a broken nose and vaginal tearing in the attack and filed a police report at the hospital. What made the attack even more emotionally painful, she added, was that she had known Radke for nine years and previously had consensual sexual relations with him."

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