SONNY SANDOVAL de la P.O.D. discuta despre noul album 'Veritas' care va fi lansat in curand
03 Octombrie 2023 de Cristi Nedelcu
SONNY SANDOVAL de la P.O.D. discuta despre noul album 'Veritas' care va fi lansat in primavara.
Intr-un nou interviu cu Radioactive MikeZ, gazda emisiunii 96.7 KCAL-FM „Wired In The Empire”, solistul P.O.D.-Sonny Sandoval- a vorbit despre viitorul album de studio al trupei, „Veritas”, care va fi lansat in primavara viitoare prin Mascot. Intrebat daca noul album P.O.D. este mai "heavy" sau mai melodic decat materialele anterioare, Sonny a raspuns: "I would say this album is definitely more rocking. It was a different writing process because of COVID and all that stuff. It wasn't like we could all sit in a room like we're used to. So a lot of it was just piecing things together. And so it was basically song by song. And then by the time we have an album's worth, it's kind of, like, that's just what it's supposed to be. And a lot of people are saying, 'Did you guys get to do your reggae kind of swing, any more punk-type stuff?' And, actually, I think it's just rocking all the way through."
Sonny a continuat spunand ca renumitul baterist Robin Diaz a inregistrat tobele pentru „Veritas”, marcand primul LP P.O.D. care nu il are pe bateristul Noah „Wuv” Bernardo Jr. In ceea ce priveste contributia lui Robin la „Veritas”, Sonny a spus: "He tours with all the bands, but he's pretty much one of the — I would say next to Josh Freese, he's probably the main man in Hollywood. And he's an old-school friend of ours, and, dude, he came in and just nailed it. So there's a different feel on that too, because it's the first time without my cousin Wuv. So it's a rocking feel."
Luna trecuta, P.O.D. a lansat videoclipul oficial pentru primul single de la „Veritas”, o melodie numita „Drop”. Pe piesa il putem auzi si pe solistul LAMB OF GOD, Randy Blythe.
"'Drop' is another one-of-a-kind, unparalleled banger that sets this band apart from everyone else," a declarat Sandoval. "When you hear it, you know it's P.O.D.!"
"Dude, it's the sickest thing ever," Marcos Curiel din P.O.D. a spus despre „Drop”, care a fost inspirat de dragostea chitaristului pentru muzica electronica. "When that drop hits, everyone knows it," a adaugat acesta. "We needed to create a song in that way… P.O.D. style."
Intr-un interviu recent cu Ethan Jackson de la postul de radio rock Topeka KDVV/V100, Curiel a spus despre titlul albumului „Veritas”: "It's the old Latin dialect. You know, the old one that the priests are laying down when people are demonly possessed. It stands for truth. It's our truth because we wrote this record during the pandemic. Individually and collectively, it's our truth as a band, what we've been through, what we've all been through during that time, dude.
"I can't wait for you guys to hear it, man," a continuat chitaristul. "It's pretty cool. We also got Tatiana [Shmailyuk] from JINJER on a track. And we have Cove Reber. He sang for SCARY KIDS [SCARING KIDS] and SAOSIN. And he also sings in a new band called DEAD AMERICAN. He's on a track."
In august, Sandoval a povestit pentru „The Jesea Lee Show” despre progresul sesiunilor de compozitie si inregistrare pentru urmatorul album de studio al formatiei rock, nominalizata de trei ori la premiile Grammy: "It's been a long progress, just because of COVID and everything. Once COVID hit, everybody thought, 'Well, we can make records and get everything out and get it ready to go.' But it was kind of a difficult thing for us because we're used to being together and writing together. So, it was a different process for us, but now it's mixed, mastered, ready to go, but we aren't releasing it till next year, because, you know, the way labels work. But it's cool, 'cause they're gonna waterfall like a bunch of different singles and stuff like that. So it should be cool. So hopefully by… The plan is by the time the record comes out, you would have already seen three videos or [heard] four or five songs."
Intrebat daca urmatorul P.O.D. albumul il va vedea pe el si pe colegii sai de trupa revenind la sunetul lor „old-school” sau daca va reprezenta o era cu totul noua pentru grup, Sonny a raspuns: "All we know how to do is be ourselves. But I think this album is definitely more rocking. The last album, 'Circles', was a little bit more on the alternative side and a little bit of all the elements of our styles and flavors. But this one, it's just kind of rock, you know what I mean? But I dig it. I think it's kind of the album that we needed. Not everybody gets all the different flavors and styles and the soulfulness of P.O.D. Sometimes I compare it to… I don't eat McDonald's, but they're the number one food chain for a reason. People, they know what they get, they know what to expect. I'm more of a foodie, so I like a great burger or maybe a steak. But people love their McDonald's, so sometimes you just kind of give 'em what they want."
Ultimul album al trupei P.O.D., „Circles”, a fost lansat in noiembrie 2018 prin Mascot Label Group. Discul a vazut trupa colaborand cu duo-ul de productie din Los Angeles numit Heavy (Jason Bell si Jordan Miller), care s-au asigurat ca albumul are un sunet contemporan, fara a pierde niciuna dintre soundurile sonore de baza ale trupei.
P.O.D. a lansat „Satellite: 20th Anniversary Edition” ca dublu CD si in format digital in septembrie 2021 prin Rhino. Lansata cu cateva zile inainte de aniversarea oficiala a albumului, colectia de 27 de cantece a introdus o noua versiune remasterizata a albumului original, plus o selectie de raritati, remixuri si patru demo-uri nelansate anterior, inclusiv „Alive (Semi-Acoustic Version)”. Cateva saptamani mai tarziu, „Satellite: 20th Anniversary Edition” a fost lansat pe vinil ca un dublu LP, ca parte a campaniei Rocktober a lui Rhino.
Dupa ce a debutat pe locul 6 in Billboard 200, „Satellite” a vandut mai mult de sapte milioane de exemplare in intreaga lume, inclusiv trei milioane in S.U.A. Recordul a generat patru single-uri: piesa de titlu, „Alive”, „Youth Of The Nation” si „Boom”. Pe langa succesul sau comercial, „Satellite” a castigat P.O.D. trei nominalizari la Grammy pentru „Alive” („Cea mai buna interpretare hard rock”, 2002), „Portrait” („Cea mai buna interpretare metal”, 2003) si „Youth Of The Nation” („Cea mai buna performanta hard rock”, 2003).
Urmariti videoclipul de la "Drop" mai jos.
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