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SOULFLY lanseaza video-ul oficial pentru piesa "Superstition"
18 Iulie 2023 de Cristi Nedelcu
SOULFLY a lansat videoclipul live oficial pentru „Superstition”, primul single de pe cel de-al doisprezecelea album al trupei, „Totem”, care a aparut in august anul trecut prin Nuclear Blast.
Continuarea piesei „Ritual” din 2018 a fost inregistrata la Platinum Underground din Mesa, Arizona, de John Aquilino si Arthur Rizk, cu asistenta lui John Powers. Produs de Max Cavalera, alaturi de Arthur Rizk (KREATOR, MUNICIPAL WASTE, CODE ORANGE), LP-ul se mandreste cu invitati speciali precum John Powers (ETERNAL CHAMPION), Chris Ulsh (POWER TRIP) si John Tardy (NECCROLOGIE). Rizk a fost, de asemenea, responsabil pentru chitara de pe material. Opera de arta care serveste ca si coperta de album a fost creata de James Bousema.
In ceea ce priveste temele lirice abordate in „Totem”, Max a declarat pentru The Bogcast: "'Superstition' was inspired by Superstition Mountains. I ended up doing a lot of reading about it and the whole Lost Dutchman. A lot of people died there. It's a really mysterious, mystic place, so I kind of made the lyrics kind of connected to that, which was pretty cool. In the actual chorus, it says, 'Superstition is harder than stone.' I'm referring to the mountain itself. That's a hard mountain. It's been there forever and probably will be there till the end of times. The whole record is inspired by nature."
"That's why it's called 'Totem'. I don't know if you guys saw the cover, but we've got this totem pole with a bunch of different animals in it. Supposedly it's kind of like our spirit animals a little bit and our signs. There's almost like a lion mixed with a warthog and there's a goat with the horns. And there's an owl, eagle on top of it. And it's in the forest. So, yeah, the record was inspired by nature — the spirits in nature," a adaugat Cavalera.
"I find that fascinating. I love that. I think the desert is very spiritual and very mysterious. And also the forest. We tour a lot, so we go to Iceland and Norway, and we all see those beautiful forests and stuff. So a lot of the record was inspired by, I guess you'd call it the worshipping of nature, almost as a god. A lot of natives have that belief — that nature is like a god that you worship. So I think that became the kind of focus point for the record. There's definitely songs that deal with different topics on it. There's a really cool song that's against cancer. We lost so many good people [to] cancer. I remember when I was writing the record, L.G. [Petrov] from ENTOMBED passed away, and Chuck [Schuldiner] from DEATH [died 20 years ago], and also family members that succumbed to cancer. And so I was, like, 'I wanna write a song against cancer' — a 'f**k you, cancer'-type letter, like a letter to cancer: 'f**k you. You're not gonna bring all of us down. We're gonna fight you.' It's called 'Scouring The Vile'. That's one of the heaviest songs on the record. Also there's one that's kind of a little bit about society in general, and it's called 'Filth Upon Filth'. It's very, very 'Reign In Blood' influenced; I was listening to a lot of 'Reign In Blood' when I wrote that song. The tempo of it is a very killer SLAYER kind of groove. There is one song called 'The Damage Done'. It's about all the deforestation. I was reading a lot about the Amazon, how they're just raping and pillaging and destroying and that's like the lungs of the world. It's kind of up to us at least to talk about some of these topics, so I think it was kind of cool to give it a shot."- a incheiat artistul.
„Totem” se incheie cu o piesa de 10 minute numita „Spirit Animal”. "It's a bit like an epic kind of song," a spus Max. "It's really inspired by old heavy metal tracks, like closers of BLACK SABBATH albums that were really long, like eight [or] nine minutes long, like 'Heaven And Hell'-type s**t. I wanted to write something like that. So it's got a lot of parts — tons of riffs. It's a riff fest. [Laughs] And it's great, 'cause it's also got… Richie from INCITE sings on it, my [step]son. And we've got Chris from POWER TRIP doing the solos on it. He's also in MAMMOTH GRINDER. He's a great musician. So he did the solos on 'Spirit Animal', and it came out sick."
Intr-un interviu separat cu podcastul „Rez Metal”, Max a declarat despre „Totem”: "It was created a little bit different. The majority was just me and my son Zyon playing together, so we kind of wrote the bulk of the material. And then I had a great producer friend, Arthur Rizk; he worked with POWER TRIP and CODE ORANGE. Arthur is great, man. And I was curious how Arthur would make a SOULFLY record sound if he was in charge [of] it. And we created something that, to me, feels kind of like… It's almost like a biography of Max music. We cover everything from the early days all the way… So there's some black metal things, there's some death and thrash, there's some groove metal — there's everything. So the record really goes deep into all different areas of metal. So because of that, the album feels very diverse. At the end of the day, I just wanted to make a solid, full-on attitude record that just says, 'We're here to f**k s**t up.' This is what we do. This is why I love playing metal, because of the energy it gives me."
Artistul a adaugat: "I don't wanna describe the record too much — I'd rather have people hear it and see what they think — but to me, it feels like this is just a really, really energetic SOULFLY record. It's kind of cool to have that kind of… After so many records, if you can still put an energetic record out, it says something about your career; you're not slowing down — you're going, actually, the opposite way. So I'm more in the trenches than ever with this one. It feels like [I've been] rejuvenated; I feel like a young kid again playing metal. Those are great elements to have. Especially when you're getting older, a lot of people go more mild and slow down. I'm not one of those people. I wanna just get even more wild, get heavier. But always with the SOULFLY groove, 'cause I think that's a key element of SOULFLY; it's always been the groove. So we pay really close attention to the… We actually added a lot of percussion to it, so it kind of goes back to records like 'Primitive'; some of the grooves go back to songs like 'Primitive' and 'Boom', but some of the other stuff is super aggressive and it's like a lot of the current extreme metal that I listen to right now from a lot of other bands."
In aprilie 2021, Max i-a spus lui Chris Enriquez de la Saint Vitus Presents: Age Of Quarantine ca Rizk a preluat noul proiect SOULFLY intr-un mod "super seriously. He said, 'Hey, Max, I don't wanna do just another SOULFLY record. I wanna do the bestSOULFLY record,'" he recalled. 'I was, like, 'All right. I take the challenge. Let's do it, man.'"
Actualul chitarist principal al SOULFLY este Mike DeLeon, care s-a alaturat trupei la inceputul anului 2023. Inainte de a face parte din SOULFLY, DeLeon a fost membru al trupei solo a cantaretului PANTERA Philip Anselmo, PHILIP H. ANSELMO & THE ILLEGALS, careia s-a alaturat in 2015 ca inlocuitorul lui Marzi Montazeri. Mai recent, Mike l-a inlocuit pe Zakk Wylde la prima repetitie pentru spectacolele PANTERA din toamna anului 2022.
In august 2021, SOULFLY s-a despartit de chitaristul lor Marc Rizzo din cauza diferentelor personale. Dino Cazares de la FEAR FACTORY a cantat la chitara pentru SOULFLY in seria de spectacole a trupei care au avut loc din 2021 pana in 2022.
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