Symphony X
Stiluri: Power
Biografie Symphony X
Trupa americana de progressive metal Symphony X a luat fiinta in 1994 in New Jersey. Fondatorul trupei este chitaristul Michael James Romeo. Albumele The Divine Wings of Tragedy din 1997 si The New Mythology Suite din 2000 sunt considerate reprezentative pentru genul progressive metal, aducandu-le celor de la Symphony X comparatii cu Dream Theater si Fates Warning. Pe langa progressive metal, Symphony X includ elemente specifice power metalului si metalului simfonic in compozitiile lor. Albumul de debut, self-titled, apare in 1994, urmat de The Damnation Game in 1995. Solistul Rod Tyler paraseste trupa si este inlocuit de Russell Allen. The Divine Wings of Tragedy, aparut in 1997, ii face cunoscuti pe Symphony X in cercurile de muzica metal. In 1998 apare Twilight in Olympus, urmat de multe aparitii live ale formatiei. In acelasi an apare si o prima compilatie, Prelude to the Millennium. Cel de-al cincilea album, V: The New Mythology Suite , apare in 2000. Este primul......Toata biografia Symphony X
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Stiri cu Symphony X
Symphony X a lansat primul single de pe viitorul album si i-au facut si clip
Symphony X au anuntat de curand un nou album ( detalii AICI ) si pentru a ne oferi un mic preview al acestuia, au facut publica deja o piesa extrasa de pe acesta. Albumul se numeste Underworld si va fi lansat pe 24 Iulie prin Nuclear Blast. Piesa pe care au lansat-o si pentru care au facut si un videoclip...
Symphony X vor scoate un nou album - avem deja artworkul si tracklistul
Americanii de la Symphony X au anuntat ca vor scoate un nou album pe data de 24 Iulie prin Nuclear Blast. Este vorba de cel de al 9-lea material de studio al formatiei care se va intitula 'Underworld'. Chitaristul Michael Romeo spune ca este un album agresiv si heavy, care ar trebui ascultat ca un tot...
Symphony X intra in studio pentru pregatirea unui nou album
Veteranii metalului progresiv - Symphony X au anuntat ca vor intra in studioul de inregistrari in aceasta saptamana, pentru a pregati un nou disc. Cele zece compozitii pregatite, care vor fi lansate undeva la inceputul lui 2015, vin dupa "Iconoclast" - discul aparut in 2011, care a...
Symphony X pornesc in turneu european
Symphony X vor porni intr-un turneu de promovare a celui mai nou album intitulat Iconoclast. Alaturi de acestia vor concerta formatiile Pagan's Mind si DGM . Datele turneului sunt: 09/28/2011: Hamburg, Germany - Knust 09/29/2011: Bochum, Germany - Zeche 09/30/2011:...
Symphony X au fost intervievati in Chicago (video)
UVTV a realizat un interviu cu Michael Romeo, chitaristul formatiei americane Symphony X, cu ocazia concertului sustinut in data de 1 mai in Chicago, Illinois. Conversatia poate fi urmarita mai jos. Symphony X au lansat in data de 17 iunie un nou album intitulat Iconoclast, disponibil...
Videoclipuri Symphony X
Top Versuri Symphony X
Set The World On Fire (The Lie Of Lies)
Absinthe And Rue
Eve Of Seduction
Paradise Lost
Candlelight Fantasia
Shades Of Grey
On The Breath Of Poseidon (Segue)
Fallen / Transcendence
Transcendence (Segue)
King Of Terrors
A Lesson Before Dying
The Damnation Game
Dressed To Kill
Oculus Ex Inferni
The Sacrifice
On The Breath of Poseidon
Revelation (Divus Pennae Ex Tragoedia)
Sea Of Lies
The Serpent's Kiss
The Death Of Balance/Lacrymosa
The Turning
The Witching Hour
Smoke And Mirrors
Incantations Of The Apprentice
Through The Looking Glass (Part I, II, III)
Into The Dementia
Through The Looking Glass
Evolution (The Grand Design)
The Eyes of Medusa
The Divine Wings of Tragedy
Evolution (The Grand Desing)
The Odyssey
The Relic
Lady Of The Snow
Church of the Machine
Rapture Or Pain
The Edge Of Forever
Orion - The Hunter
The Divine Wings Of Tragedy
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Symphony X
- Communion And The Oracle Bass Tab
- Domination Tab
- Candlelight Fantasia Tab
- Paradise Lost Solo Tab
- The Divine Wings Of Tragedy Tab
- Evolution Tab
- The Relic Tab
- Sonata Tab
- Smoke And Mirrors Tab
- Sea Of Lies Tab
- Eve Of Seduction Intro Tab
- The Haunting Tab
- Accolade Ii Tab
- Paradise Lost Solo (ver2) Tab
- Sea Of Lies (ver2) Tab
- Inferno Unleash The Fire Tab
- Of Sins Of Shadows Tab
- Inferno Tab
- Inferno Unleash The Fire (ver2) Tab
- Masquerade 98 Tab
- Out Of The Ashes Tab
- Secrets Tab
- Fallen (ver2) Bass Tab
- The Odyssey Bass Tab
- Church The Machine Tab
- Through The Looking Glass Bass Tab
- In The Dragons Den Tab
- The Accolade Tab
- The Witching Hour Tab
- Sea Of Lies Bass Tab
- The Damnation Game Tab
- Fallen Bass Tab
- Inferno (ver2) Tab
- Out Of The Ashes Solo Tab
- The Witching Hour Bass Tab
- Orion The Hunter Tab
- Domination Game Bass Tab
- The Relic Bass Tab
- Of Sin And Shadow Bass Tab
- The Edge Of ForeverTab
- A Winters Dream Part 2 Tab
- Of Sins And Shadows Tab
- In The Dragons Den Bass Tab
- Evolution Bass Tab
- The Odyssey Tab
- Through The Looking Glass Tab
- Out Of The Ashes Bass Tab
- Premonition Tab
- Lady Of The Snow Tab
- Inferno Intro Tab