TARJA TURUNEN spera sa finalizeze un nou album rock solo in anul 2024
21 Decembrie 2023 de Cristi Nedelcu
Intr-un interviu recent cu Chas Byrne, Tarja Turunen a vorbit despre posibilitatea lansarii unui nou material solo intr-un viitor nu foarte indepartat.
Artista a declarat: "I'm writing new songs all the time, preparing the songs for the new album, new rock album. I hope [I will be] wrapping things up in January, February next year before all the touring starts again, because there will be a lot of touring involved next year. I'll go on tour March with Marko Hietala from NIGHTWISH. We go to South America. I do in Germany also a tour, 'Rock Meets Classic', together with SUPERTRAMP guys, [members of] ULTRAVOX — legends, I go on tour with them in April. And in May, I will be in Mexico having a tour on my own. And then it's the summer already, summer festivals and more touring to do at the end of the year. So there's a lot of things. It's a lot, but I hope to come out with the album next year. Absolutely."
Tarja a lansat „Dark Christmas”, continuarea albumului ei din 2017 „From Spirits And Ghosts (Score For A Dark Christmas)”, pe 10 noiembrie 2023. LP-ul include interpretari captivante ale binecunoscutelor colinde de Craciun, coveruri dupa WHAM!' „Last Christmas”, „All I Want For Christmas Is You” de Mariah Carey, „Wonderful Christmastime” de Paul McCartney, clasice precum „Jingle Bells”, „Frosty The Snowman” si „Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer”, precum si piesa originala a lui Tarja "Dark Christmas". Lansarea a fost insotita de 12 videoclipuri — un videoclip pentru fiecare melodie de pe album, precum si un lungmetraj muzical de lunga durata, disponibil pe toate platformele compatibile.
In ceea ce priveste simbioza dintre metal si muzica clasica, Tarja a sdeclarat pentru publicatia Kerrang!: "Both styles have so much in common. I feel music is just emotion. It can connect people from whatever background. It's a very personal experience, we all have things we like and don’t like, but ultimately music is just emotion. Metal and classical music are both very emotional genres."
Urmariti interviul Tarjei mai jos.
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