The Agonist
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Stiri cu The Agonist
The Agonist au lansat clipul pentru noul single 'Orphans'
Piesa este inclusa albumul "Orphans" fiind cel mai recent material lansat al trupei. Albumul "Orphans" a fost lansat in 2019 via Napalm Records. "The story behind Orphans was inspired by the novel We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson. It emphasizes the feeling of...
The Agonist au fost ajutati de fani pentru a face noul clip
Piesa este preluata de pe cel mai recent material al grupului, "Orphans", care a fost lansat in septembrie via Rodeostar Records. "After sitting at home, toughing out this quarantine, the band started discussing how we can interact with our fans in different ways. We had this idea to ask our fans to...
The Agonist a lansat videoclipul piesei 'The Raven Eyes'
Canadienii de la The Agonist au lansat un nou videoclip, de aceasta data pentru piesa "The Raven Eyes" extrasa de pe cel mai recent album de studio, "Five", lansat in data de 30 septembrie 2016, via Napalm Records. "Five" tracklist: 1.The Moment 2.The Chain 3.The Anchor...
The Agonist au lansat videoclipul piesei 'The Hunt'
Piesa "The Hunt" este extrasa de pe cel noul album al canadienilor de la "The Agonist", "Five", ce urmeaza a fi lansat pe data de 30 septembrie, fiind primul album lansat sub umbrela casei de discuri Napalm Records. "Five" tracklist: 1.The Moment 2.The Chain 3.The...
The Agonist au lansat un clip pentru 'Follow The Crossed Line'
Albumul Eye of Providence de la The Agonist a fost lansat anul acesta pe 23 Februarie. Albumul a fost primit destul de bine de public si specialisti. Acum, canadienii au lansat si un clip pentru 'Follow The Crossed Line', penultima piesa de pe album. Il vedeti mai jos.
Top Versuri The Agonist
Thank You, Pain
Globus Hystericus
The Tempest (The Siren's Song; The Banshee's Cry)
And Their Eulogies Sang Me To Sleep
The Sentient
When The Bough Breaks
Waiting Out The Winter
Martyr Art
Birds Elope With The Sun