Jodi Tab - The Dodos

The Dodos
Tabbed By: Justin C Rodriguez

Its best to try and learn this song with a pair of good headphones so you can pick up 
subtle nuances, strum patterns, and sometimes hard to hear bass lines.

Note that this song is fingerpicked and Meric uses his thumb to pick the bass notes 
the entire song.

Because of how many variations of strum patters he uses, I'll leave it to you to figure 
the strumming in each section, where and when to play each section and how many times to 
each section.

|-----10s12------12s10-|    Intro 1 *

|---------|         Intro 2 *

|5--5-5-5----5-3-0----8----8--10---10-|  Intro 3/ Verse
picked constantly with thumb




I can't figure out the part where he sings
"but you're still telling me what i want what i need"
so if you can figure that out or have any suggestions then please post in the comment 
or something and i'll put it in this tab and credit you.


end chord