Sunt mari sanse ca ultimul concert al lui Johnsson sa aiba loc la 70.000 Tons of Metal de anul acesta, artistul declarand ca ia in considerare sa nu mai urce pe scena dupa acest show.
Artistul din spatele Therion are cateva probleme serioase de sanatate care l-au facut sa ia aceasta decizie. Acesta a ales sa fie tratat de un renumit neurochirurg din Rusia.
Mai jos aveti o declaratie a artistului.
"Possibly my final live performance ever on 70,000 Tons Of Metal. Over 2 weeks ago I started to get HUGE pains in my arm, shoulder and back. It hurt worse if I lay down and got worse by each day. In the end I could not even sleep in bed anymore and had to sit up sleeping in the sofa every night...In order to not have to cancel 70.000 Tons of Metal and in order to faster get a diagnosis and get it cured, I (upon recommendation) decided to fly to Moscow and have it done there. They are at the same technical and competence level like in Sweden, but have capacity to treat patients immediately. So I got an appointment straight away, flew there and got a fantastic care with not only MRI, but also got to see a neurologist, physiotherapists and specialists...
So I got a diagnosis the same day and it seems I have two spinal disc herniations in my neck, one really bad and one small that could get worse. In plain English this means that two of my discs in the neck are worn out (from headbanging and sitting too much in front of computer in the office and the studio) and have cracked so that fluid runs out from it. The fluid put pressure on the nerves in the spinal chord and create pain in shoulder/arm/back and distort mobility in the right arm."
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