Pe 3 Iulie, la Hard Rock Cafe din Bucuresti, Therion va sustine singurul concert acustic din Europa. Pentru un show asa special a trebuit sa schimbar cateva vorbe si cu Christofer.
1. Hello, you are going to be back to Romania on July 3rd! How does it feel to be here again?
It’s always a great pleasure being there.
2. This will be the sole and only acoustic show that you will have in Europe this year?
3. Why did you choose Romania?
Because we have a the biggest fanbase in Bucharest in Europe + we have good friends that wanted to organise the show. We do it for the fun of it and then the atmosphere is important.
4. I know that you have already had some acoustic shows in South America and Mexic, how did this idea of an acoustic show came up?
It started with a cancelled show in Thessaloniki in Greece many years ago. We din’t like the idea of having a concerts cancelled, so we got some guitars and went to some local metal pub and improvised a show. It was a great experience and the next tour we did in Latin America, we had a special where some 10-15 fans each night could win a
special ticket where they could go backstage, meet the band, have a beer and we’d have a sing along doing some 3-4 songs acoustic there. Next tour we had a gap in the schedule and would have had 2 days off in Bogota (Colombia). It’s not much to see or do there, so we then decided to arrange our first professional unplugged show on one
of those days. It was a big success and some years later we were invited to do a tour with a number of acoustic shows in Latin America.
5. What should we expect at this special show?
A cosy evening with an informal atmosphere. We play 50-60 min and fans are more than welcome to sing along and stay for a beer afterwards.
6. What songs are there on your acoustic playlist?
I guess we will do something similar like on the last tour. Those are the songs that works best acoustic.
7. Was it difficult for you to rearrange the songs for an acoustic set?
Not really. It’s more a matter of picking the right songs. Some of the most popular (songs like Rise of Sodom) would never sound good unplugged and it’s important to choose songs that will work good in the context rather than just do the most popular songs in not so good versions.
8. Can you tell us some words about your future plans? How is the rock opera project going on? Any ”regular” Therion album scheduled beyond that?
The composition process is basically done. I’m working on the arrangements on the last scene now.
The rock opera will make us busy for a while, so it’s will take some years before we start thinking of another regular album.
9. A few words to your Romanian fans and our readers?
Looking forward to see some of you there at the acoustic evening! :)
1. Salut, sustineti din nou un concert in Romania pe 3 iulie. Cum va simtiti sa va aflati din nou aici?
C.J. Intotdeauna e o mare placere sa ne intoarcem acolo.
2. Va fi acesta singurul si unicul concert acustic din Europa anul acesta?
C.J. Da.
3. De ce ati ales Romania?
C.J. Fiindca in Bucuresti/Romania o baza de ascultatori numeroasa, printre cele mai ridicate din Europa. In plus, avem si buni prieteni care ne-au propus sa organizam concertul. Facem concertul pentru placerea pe care ne-o aduce; in cazul acesta, atmosfera e importanta.
4. Stiu ca ati avut deja cateva concerte acustice in America de sud si in Mexic; cum v-a venit ideea unui show acustic?
C.J. A inceput la un concert anulat in Tesalonic / Thessaloniki, Grecia, acum mai multi ani. Nu ne-a suras sa avem un concert anulat, asa ca am facut rost de niste chitari si am improvizat un show acustic la un club metal. A fost o experienta grozava si in urmatorul turneu pe care l-am facut in America latina, la fiecare concert am avut o oferta VIP, prin care 10-15 fani in fiecare noapte puteau castiga un bilet special, care le asigura accesul in backstage, intalnirea cu trupa, sa bea o bere si sa cante impreuna 3-4 cantece acustice. In turneul ulterior, am avut o pauza de doua zile in programul turnelului, in Bogota (Columbia). Nu e prea mult de vazut sau facut acolo, asa ca am decis sa aranjam primul concert unplugged profesionist in una din zilele libere. A fost un succes rasunator si dupa catva timp, in 2015, am fost invitati sa facem un turneu cu cateva concerte acustice in America latina.
5. La ce sa ne asteptam de la acest concert special?
C.J. O seara placuta, cu o atmosfera informala, relaxata. Vom canta 50-60 minute si fanii sunt bineveniti sa cante cu noi si sa ramana la o bere cu noi dupa concert.
6. Ce piese aveti in playlist?
C.J. Playlistul va fi similar celui din ultimul turneu. Sunt cantecele care merg cel mai bine cantate acustic.
7. A fost dificil sa rearanjati cantecele pentru un set acustic?
C.J. Nu chiar, e mai mult o chestiune de a alege cantecele potrivite. Unele cantece foarte cunoscute (ca Rise of Sodom) nu vor suna niciodata bine unplugged si e important sa alegi cantece care vor functiona bine in context, nu doar sa canti piesele cele mai faimoase in versiuni mediocre.
8. Ne puteti spune cateva cuvinte despre planurile de viitor? Cum se desfasoara lucrul la opera rock? Aveti vreun album Therion “obisnuit” programat dupa aceea?
C.J. Procesul compozitional este in mare incheiat. Lucrez acum la aranjamentele ultimei scene. Opera rock ne va tine ocupati o buna bucata de timp, asa ca va dura cativa ani inainte sa ne gandim la urmatorul album.
9. Cateva cuvinte pentru fanii trupei din Romania si cititorii nostri?
C.J. Astept cu nerabdare sa va vad la voi acasa, la o seara acustica! :)
Asadar, pe 3 Iulie la Hard Rock Cafe ne intalnim cu Therion. Biletele sunt disponibile online pe si in reteaua iaBilet ( - Magazinul Muzica , Hard Rock Cafe, Agentiile Perfect Tour, Metrou Unirii 1, Uman, Senia, IQ BOX, terminalele selfservice Zebrapay, magazinele Say Shop)
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