Therion a lansat un clip animat pentru 'Theme Of Antichrist'
30 Ianuarie 2018 de Cristi Nedelcu
Pe 9 Februarie, Theriona va lansa capodopera compusa de Christofer Johnsson, opera metal 'Beloved Antichrist inspirata din 'O scurta poveste a Antichristului' scrisa de Vladimir Soloviov.
Mai jos aveti clupul pentru 'Theme of Antichrist' din al treilea act al operei.
Iata de a declarat Johnsson: "So, the 'Beloved Antichrist' is ready, let's get on with promotion. We need a video clip. Lori is in the USA, Christian in Argentina, Chiara in Italy, Thomas is touring in Spain, Carlos and his team are in Chile and the rest of us are in Sweden. The budget won't be enough to fly everyone around. To have four different green screen sessions and let each person organize it by him/herself is too expensive and also very risky. So that leaves me with two options: 1. Tell the record label we don't have the means to do it currently. 2. Think outside of the box as we often need to do."
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