Therion au lansat single-ul 'Die Wellen der Zeit'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Therion au lansat single-ul  'Die Wellen der Zeit'

'Die Wellen der Zeit' face parte de pe albumul 'Leviathan' care va fi disponibil pe 22 ianuarie 2021 via Nuclear Blast Records.

Christofer Johnsson a declarat:

"Once again we worked with Carlos Toro and Abyss Production in Chile. Carlos has done the previous 7 videos for us over the past 10 years and this may be the best one yet!

The lyrics deal with the ancient Germanic worship of Nerthus and you will get some interpretations of the good old times in the clip."

Noul single a sosit alaturi de un videoclip ce poate fi vazut mai jos.

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