Nine Inch Nails
Stiluri: Alternative
Biografie Nine Inch Nails
Nine Inch Nails (sau NIN) este o trupa americana de industrial rock, formata in 1988 de catre Trent Reznor . Ca producator, cantaret, instrumentist si compozitor, Reznor este singurul membru oficial Nine Inch Nails. Muzica acestuia include mai multe genuri, in special cel electronic. Dupa inregistrarea unul album, artistul formeaza o trupa live pentru turnee. Pe scena, NIN foloseste efecte vizuale spectaculoase, apogeul fiind distrugerea instrumentelor muzicale. Publicul underground a primit cu caldura muzica NIN. Trupa a produs cateva albume ce au ramas in istorie, in special in perioada 1990. Trent are un palmares de invidiat, printre care se numara si 2 premii Grammy. Pe plan mondial, NIN a vandut peste 20 de milioane de exemplare. Stil: alternative rock/industrial rock Componenta: Trent Reznor Discografie: Pretty Hate Machine (1989) Broken (1992) The Downward Spiral (1994) The Fragile (1999) With Teeth (2005) Year Zero (2007) NIN biografia Nine Inch Nails
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Stiri cu Nine Inch Nails
Nine Inch Nails lanseaza un nou album
"Ghosts V-VI" este disponibil pe toate site-urile de streaming. Noul material este format din doua discuri, "Ghosts V" si "Ghosts VI" si contin 8 melodii, printre care si single-ul "Together" pe care il puteti asculta mai jos, "Music, whether listening to it,...
Au fost anuntati artistii care vor face parte din Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Din pacate si anul acesta nume grele ale scenei rock si metal au fost trecute cu vederea de catre cei care au ales artistii care vor face parte din celebra Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Doar Nine Inch Nail au avut castig de cauza. Judas Priest, Motorhead, Thin Lizzy sau Soundgarden mai au de asteptat...
Nine Inch Nails semneaza soundtrack-ul pentru viitorul serial Watchmen
Watchmen a fost deja ecranizat sub forma unui film, insa cei de la HBO vor sa faca un serial pe care sa il lanseze anul viitor. Soundtrack-ul urmeaza sa fie semnat de Nine Inch Nails. Pana acum, dintre actorii confirmati ca vor juca in serial ii avem pe Jeremy Irons, Don Johnson, Adelaide Clemens,...
Nine Inch Nails au lansat o piesa noua, 'God Break Down The Door'
Cei de la Nine Inch Nails se pregatesc sa lanseze un nou album intitulat Bad Witch. Pe acest viitor material este inclusa piesa 'God Break Down The Door'. Este ultima parte a trilogiei ce a pornit in 2016 cu 'Not The Actual' si a continuat apoi un an mai tarziu cu 'Add Violence'. Mai jos aveti piesa...
Nine Inch Nails au lansat inca o piesa noua, 'This Isn't The Place'
La doar cateva zile de la lansarea piesei "Less Than", Nine Inch Nails revin cu inca un extras de pe noul EP, "Add Violence", pe care il vor lansa in data de 21 iulie. "Add Violence" este al doilea EP dintr-o trilogie ce a inceput cu "Not the Actual Events" in decembrie, 2016....
Videoclipuri Nine Inch Nails
- 12. Closer
- Survivalism
- Discipline
- Nine Inch Nails - Closer
- Nine Inch Nails - The Perfect Drug
- Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds
- Nine Inch Nails - Only
- Nine Inch Nails - Wish
- Nine Inch Nails - Head Like A Hole
- Nine Inch Nails - Hurt
- Nine Inch Nails - The Great Destroyer
- Nine Inch Nails - March Of The Pigs
- Nine Inch Nails - Into The Void
- Nine Inch Nails - Just like you imagined
- Nine Inch Nails - Something I can never have
- Nine Inch Nails - Down In It
- Nine Inch Nails - Non-Entity
- Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together
- Came Back Haunted
Muzica Nine Inch Nails
Top Versuri Nine Inch Nails
14. Hurt
07. Just Like You Imagined
Leaving Hope
Slipping Away
Purest Feeling
Down In It
Eraser (Polite)
11. La Mer
The Persistence Of Loss
Starfuckers Inc. (Version)
05. The Frail
03. The Frail
Closer (To God)
I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally
The Perfect Drug
Screaming Slave
16. Hurt
Another Version of the Truth
Down In It
23. Ripe (With Decay)
Down In It
Maybe Just Once
Gone, Still
09. Pilgrimage
01. Terrible Lie
Something That I Can Never Have
02. Sin
Eraser (Denial)
Kinda I Want To
Purest Feeling
10. Wish
04. Piggy
21. The Big Come Down
09. The Mark Has Been Made
The Greater Good
11. Eraser
The Great Collapse
Sin (Short)
02. Piggy
We're In This Together
Down In It (Shred)
01. Mr. Self Destruct
05. Closer
The Frail (Version)
Every Day Is Exactly The Same
Head Like A Hole (Slate)
Happiness In Slavery
06. Ruiner
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Nine Inch Nails
- Non Entity Tab
- Hand That Feeds Chords
- Ringfinger Tab
- Head Down Tab
- Right Where It Belongs Chords
- The Big Come Down Tab
- 17 Ghosts Intro Tab
- The Day The Whole World Went Away Tab
- Beside You In Time Tab
- Into The Void Bass Tab
- Down In It Tab
- Every Day Is Exactly The Same Chords
- The Only Time Bass Tab
- Wish Tab
- You Know What You Are Bass Tab
- The Fragile Solo Tab
- Burn Live Tab
- The Wretched Tab
- Collector Tab
- Terrible Lie Acoustic Tab
- The Good Soldier Bass Tab
- Were In This Together (ver2) Bass Tab
- Into The Void (ver2) Bass Tab
- Piggy (ver4) Tab
- Survivalism Tab
- Zero Sum Tab
- The Becoming Tab
- Right Where It Belongs (ver2) Chords
- With Teeth (ver5) Tab
- Sanctified Bass Tab
- The Wretched Bass Tab
- Star Fuckers Tab
- The Fragile Tab
- Suck Bass Tab
- The Frail Tab
- Wish (ver3) Tab
- The Day The World Went Away Tab
- The Day The World Went Away (ver3) Tab
- The Day The World Went Away (ver2) Bass Tab
- The Becoming Chords
- The Hand That Feeds Tab
- Ruiner Solo Tab
- Were In This Together Tab
- Sin Tab
- Starfuckers Inc Tab
- Not So Pretty Now Intro Tab
- Warning Tab
- Wish (ver2) Tab
- Becoming Tab
- The Line Begins To Blur Bass Tab