The Recording Academy a publicat listele cu nominalizatii la cea de a 57-a editie a Premiilor Grammy, care va avea loc pe 8 februarie 2015.
"Songs Of Innocence" al celor de U2 este nominalizat la categoria "Best Rock Album", pe cand "Morning Phase", albumul artistului Beck este nominalizat la categoria "Album Of The Year".
Pentru stilurile rock si metal, nominalizarile sunt urmatoarele:
Best Rock Performance
Gimme Something Good - Ryan Adams
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
Blue Moon - Beck
Fever - The Black Keys
Lazaretto - Jack White
Best Metal Performance
Neon Knights - Anthrax
High Road - Mastodon
Heartbreaker - Motörhead
The Negative One - Slipknot
The Last In Line - Tenacious D
Best Rock Song
Ain’t It Fun - Hayley Williams & Taylor York, compozitor (Paramore)
Blue Moon - Beck Hansen, compozitor(Beck)
Fever - D. Auerbach, B. Burton & P. Carney, compozitor (The Black Keys)
Gimme Something Good - Ryan Adams, compozitor (Ryan Adams)
Lazaretto - Jack White III, compozitor (Jack White)
Best Rock Album
Ryan Adams - Ryan Adams
Morning Phase - Beck
Turn Blue - The Black Keys
Hypnotic Eye - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Songs Of Innocence - U2
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