Unholy Ritual

Stiluri: Black

Biografie Unholy Ritual

The year of 1997 witnessed the birth Unholy Ritual when Erevos (vocals) and Bertram (drums) set the basis for the band in Athens (Greece). With different line up changes in the years followed, U.R finally found a steady formula with the arrival of Q_Snc (synths), Drakhon (bass), Ianos (guitar) and Gareth (guitar) in 2000. In the summer of 2001, the first demo "Denial from Heaven" was recorded and was met with good critics from both the public and the press (including the Greek Metal Hammer and the Bulgarian Xaoc Magazine). Immediately, Unholy Ritual started playing on various stages gaining a vast experience of live performance and proving their ability to storm stages in both Greece and Europe. Unholy Ritual was the supporting act for elite acts like Mayhem, Marduk, Satyricon, God Dethroned and the Greek thrash metal band, Flames. Moreover, the band was the headlining act for several concerts in Greece, but also in the Winterstorms Fest 2001 in Sofia (Bulgaria) and on the......Toata biografia Unholy Ritual

Stiri cu Unholy Ritual

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  • Unholy Ritual au lansat un nou videoclip: Death Before Dishonor

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  • Unholy Ritual lucreaza la un nou album

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  • AdVentus si A.Z. (Unholy Ritual) au semnat un contract cu Grossman Guitars

    AdVentus si A.Z., chitaristi in formatia Unholy Ritual, au semnat un contract de endorsement cu Grosmann Guitars. In afara de cei doi membri Unholy Ritual , printre artistii care  mai promoveaza brand-ul se afla Sakis Tolis (Rotting Christ) si Bogdan Costea (Magica) . Pentru a vedea fotografiile cu...

  • Cronica Unholy Ritual - Rex Mundi

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Toate stirile cu Unholy Ritual
Unholy Ritual

Videoclipuri Unholy Ritual


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