Sammy Hagar & The Circle au facut un cover dupa Van Halen in timpul izolarii

de Cristi Nedelcu

Sammy Hagar & The Circle au facut un cover dupa Van Halen in timpul izolarii

Sammy Hagar si colegii lui din The Circle au facut un cover dupa piesa 'Good Enough' in timpul unui videocall.

Artistii au mai avut astfel de sesiuni de jamming interpretand piesa de la The Who 'Won't Get Fooled Again'.

Iata ce au declarat despre ultima astfel de sesiune: "One more week in COVID-19 lockdown and SAMMY & THE CIRCLE continue to get their jam on. This week it's the Van Hagar classic 'Good Enough' that the CIRCLE was thinking of including in the set list for the next tour. What do you think? Stay Healthy. Stay Home. Stay Tuned."

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