Wacken Open Air va fi online anul acesta

de Cristi Nedelcu

Wacken Open Air va fi online anul acesta

Organizatorii WACKEN Open Air au anuntat ca editia de anul acesta se va tine online.

Festivalul se va numii "Wacken World Wide 2020" si va vea loc in perioada 29 iulie - 1 august.

Iata ce a declarat co-fondatorul festivalului, Thomas Jensen:

"It is a huge pleasure for us to finally be able to unveil the news today. The entire team has worked with great ambition and motivation over the past few weeks and months to implement the new Wacken World Wide concept in order to put together an overall package never seen before!"

"Wacken World Wide" va putea fi vizionat pe site-ul oficial al festivalului, MagentaMusik 360 si MagentaTV.

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