Whitechapel au lansat videoclipul piesei 'Bring Me Home'

de Andreea Gherfi

Whitechapel au lansat videoclipul piesei 'Bring Me Home'

Piesa “Bring Me Home” este extrasa de pe cel mai recent album al formatiei Whitechapel, lansat pe 24 iunie. Videoclipul piesei complementeaza vizual ceea ce piesa incearca sa transmita, si anume durerea pe care Phil Bozeman a simtit-o atunci cand si-a pierdut tatal. Clipul poarta semnatura regizorului Mathis Arnell.

"This video means more to me than any video we've ever done. It portrays my struggle through dealing with my dad's death at the age of 10. The shots of me show me at my darkest moments. Suicidal thoughts, suicide note and feeling alone. The atmosphere of the room we shot this is nailed exactly how I was feeling at the time. Dark, depressed and suicidal. The shots of the man and young boy portray my bond I had with my dad and how devastated I was when he left. They are presented to be in a dream like state of me remembering him. The last shot is from my dad and mom's actual gravesite. It's really awesome to have that authenticity to the video. The final scene is showing that I came out of it alive but no matter what, I will push forward and not give up.", a marturisit Phil Bozeman

"Mark Of The Blade" tracklist:

01. The Void

02. Mark of the Blade

03. Elitist Ones

04. Bring Me Home

05. Tremors

06. A Killing Industry

07. Tormented

08. Brotherhood

09. Dwell in the Shadows

10. Venomous

11. Decennium

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