Biografie Whitesnake
Formatia britanica Whitesnake a fost infiintata de catre David Coverdale in 1977. Genul muzical pe care l-au abordat initial a fost blues rock, concretizat pe EP-ul Snakebite din 1978. Un an mai tarziu apare primul lor material live, intitulat Live at Hammersmith. Odata cu albumul Saints & Sinners din 1982, stilul trupei devine mai agresiv, trecand de la blues la rock. Slide It In primeste doua discuri de platina in 1987. Albumul intitulat Whitesnake este primul succes comercial al formatiei britanice. Stilul este mai apropiat de glam metal, de acesta data. Hit-ul albumului este balada Is This Love , precum si single-ul Here I Go Again. Inainte de inregistrarile pentru Slip of the Tongue, Whitesnake isi schimba componenta, Vivian Campbell parasind trupa pentru a se alatura mai tarziu celor de la Def Leppard. Dupa o perioada de pauza, atat concertistica cat si de studio, Whitesnake se despart oficial in 1991. Coverdale se alatura lui Jimmy Page, chitaristul Led Zeppelin......Toata biografia Whitesnake
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Metallica
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Stiri cu Whitesnake
Whitesnake si-au prezentat noul basist, Tanya O'Callaghan
Dupa ce s-a despartit de basistul Michael Devin la inceputul acestei saptamani, Whitesnake au prezentat noul membru al trupei, Tanya O'Callaghan. Vestea a aparut pe site-ul oficial al trupei: "Well, well, well… ladies and gentlemen… boys and girls… We are very proud to announce &...
Whitesnake s-au despartit de basistul Michael Devin
Vestea desptartirii de catre basitul Michael Devin a aparut printr-un comunicat de presa postat pe paginile soializare a trupei. "WHITESNAKE & bassist Michael Devin have decided to go their separate ways after an amazingly successful decade together… We all wish Michael every success in his...
Whitesnake are un nou membru in trupa, Dino Jelusick
Legendara trupa a anuntat un nou membru. Este vorba despre multi-instrumentistul croat Dino Jelusick. Liderul trupei, David Coverdale, a declarat urmatoarele: " I am absolutely delighted to welcome the extremely gifted Dino Jelusick to Whitesnake. We've had our eyes and ears on him since we played...
Whitesnake au lansat un clip pentru single-ul 'Give Me All Your Love'
Whitesnake au lansat un videoclip pentru noul lor remix din 2021 al melodiei din 1987, 'Give ME All Your Love'. Noua versiune pentru 'Give ME All Your Love' face parte din colectia recent lansata, 'The Blues Album'. Clipul poate fi vazut mai jos.
Whitesnake au lansat un videoclip pentru 'Yours For The Asking'
Melodia este preluata de pe colectia 'Love Songs', care contine contine versiuni remixate si remasterizate ale celor mai bune melodii de dragoste ale grupului. Love Songs' a fost lansat pe 6 noiembrie in format CD, dublu-LP, vinil rosu si digital. Videoclipul oficial pentru 'Yours For The Asking' poate fi vazut...
Videoclipuri Whitesnake
- 04. Too Many Tears
- 01. Sailing Ships
- 02. Too Many Tears
- 03. The Deeper the Love
- 06. Give Me All Your Love
- 08. Is This Love
- 09. Here I Go Again
- 10. Soldier of Fortune
- 03. Fool for Your Loving
- 07. The Deeper the Love
- 01. Crying in the Rain
- 02. Bad Boys
- 03. Still of the Night
- 04. Here I Go Again
- 05. Give Me All Your Love
- 06. Is This Love
- 02. Sweet Talker
- 02. Walking in the Shadow of the Blues
- Ready To Rock (enhanced video)
- Live @ Romexpo Bucuresti 2008
Muzica Whitesnake
Top Versuri Whitesnake
Give Me all Your Love Tonight
Til The End Of Time
Summer Rain
Lay Down Your Love
Good To Be Bad
A Fool In Love
All I Want All I Need
Call On Me
Best Years
All For Love
Don't Break My Heart Again
Ready and Willing
Can You Hear The Wind Blow
Walking In The Shadow....
Take Me With You
09. Here I Go Again
Got What You Need
08. Is This Love
10. Soldier of Fortune
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Whitesnake
- Here I Go Again Acoustic Chords
- Here I Go Again Tab
- Aint Gonna Cry No More Chords
- Aint No Love In The Heart Of The City Tab
- Is This Love Intro Tab
- Here I Go Again Chords
- Deeper The Love Chords
- Crying In The Rain Tab
- Is This Love Solo Tab
- Here I Go Again Acoustic ver2 Chords
- Still Of The Night Tab
- Sailing Ships Tab
- Fool For Your Loving Tab
- Is This Love Solo (ver2) Tab
- Summer Rain Tab
- Looking For Love Tab
- Here I Go Again (ver3) Tab
- Dont Fade Away Chords
- Love Aint No Stranger Tab
- Here I Go Again Solo Tab
- Here I Go Again (ver2) Tab
- Fool For Your Loving Intro Tab
- Still Of The Night (ver2) Tab
- Bad Boys Tab
- Still Of The Night Solo Tab
- Aint No Love Tab
- Looking For Love Chords
- Cant Go On Chords
- Here I Go Again Solo (ver3) Tab
- Here I Go Again Solo (ver2) Tab
- Walking In The Shadows Of The Blues Tab
- Slide It In Tab
- Now Your Gone Tab
- Is This Love Bass Tab
- Dont Break My Heart Again Tab
- Youre Gonna Break My Heart Again Tab
- Slide It In (ver2) Tab
- Young Blood Tab
- Children Of The Night Tab
- Come And Get It Tab
- Here I Go Again (ver2) Bass Tab
- Guilty Of Love Tab
- Take Me With You Tab
- The Deeper Love Bass Tab
- Slide It In (ver3) Tab
- Here I Go Again Bass Tab
- Bloody Luxury Tab
- Absolution Blues Tab
- All Or Nothing Tab
- Dancing Girls Tab