Whitesnake si-au prezentat noul basist, Tanya O'Callaghan
24 Noiembrie 2021 de Cristi Nedelcu
Dupa ce s-a despartit de basistul Michael Devin la inceputul acestei saptamani, Whitesnake au prezentat noul membru al trupei, Tanya O'Callaghan.
Vestea a aparut pe site-ul oficial al trupei:
"Well, well, well… ladies and gentlemen… boys and girls… We are very proud to announce & to introduce you all to our newest Snake… or should I say… SNAKETTE!!! Please give a LOUD Whitesnake Choir welcome to The Irish Tornado! A whirling dervish of a performer whom we feel will bring a fresh, new, exciting musicality and welcome energy to the band, both in the studio and onstage… here she is… Irish born and bred… the one and only… Tanya O’Callaghan!!!
For whatever reason, Whitesnake has never featured a female musician in the band before… Bad Boys!!!… But, when we saw Tanya performing with our friend Stephen Adler’s band at the M3 festival in 2019 & we were all blown away… an electrifying performer," said frontman David Coverdale of his band's latest acquisition after bringing singer Dino Jelusick onboard earlier this year for the upcoming Whitesnake farewell tour.
When Whitesnake and Michael Devin decided to go their separate ways, Tanya was the first person we reached out to and thankfully she accepted our invitation to become a Snake… We are thrilled and delighted to welcome Tanya O’Callaghan to Whitesnake!! Let the music do the talking!!!"...
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