You Me At Six
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Linkin Park
Vita de Vie
Green Day
30 Seconds to Mars
Depeche Mode
Stiri cu You Me At Six
Vezi aici noul videoclip YOU ME AT SIX
You Me At Six au publicat recent un videoclip nou, "No One Does It Better", pe care il puteti urmari mai jos. Piesa apartine albumlui " Sinners Never Sleep ", lansat in octombrie 2011. Trupa a compus de curand o piesa inchinata unui rollercoaster de la Thorpe Park, cel mai inalt din Europa....
The Swellers si You Me At Six merg impreuna in turneu
The Swellers si You Me At Six merg impreuna intr-un turneu american. In deschidere canta Twin Atlantic si We Are the Ocean. Trupa de punk rock The Swellers a publicat un filmulet cu secvente de la sesiunea de inregistrari a noului album, iar filmarea este disponibila mai jos. Trupa a lansat albumul " Good...
You Me At Six au lansat un videoclip nou: Bite My Tongue
You Me At Six au lansat recent videoclipul piesei "Bite My Tongue", pe care il puteti urmari mai jos. Piesa apartine albumului " Sinners Never Sleep" , lansat pe 3 octombrie 2011 via Virgin Records Ltd. Tracklistul albumului este: 1. "Loverboy" ...
You Me At Six au cantat un medley Foo Fighters la BBC Radio 1
You Me At Six au cantat un snur de trei piese classice ale celor de la Foo Fighters in cadrul unei sesiuni live la BBC Radio 1 pe 21 septembrie. O inregistrare audio este disponibila mai jos. You Me At Six au inclus in setul lor si piesele 'Bridge Burning', 'All My Life' si 'Best Of You' , semnate de trupa lui...
You Me At Six au cantat live noul single, Loverboy (video)
You Me At Six au cantat live pentru prima data noul single, "Loverboy", in Belfast. O filmare este disponibila mai jos. Concertul a avut loc pe 16 august, cand trupa a deschis pentru 30 Seconds To Mars. You Me At Six au anuntat ca urmeaza sa lanseze un al treilea album, numit "...
Top Versuri You Me At Six
Save It For The Bedroom
Youve Made Your Bed
The Rumour
This Turbulence Is Beautiful
If I Were In Your Shoes
The Liar And The Lighter
The Truth Is A Terrible Thing
This Turbulence Is Beautiful
Take Off Your Colours
Always Attract
Nasty Habits
Kiss And Tell
Blue Eyes Don't Lie
Save It For The Bedroom
This Is The First Thing
Jealous Minds Think Alike
All Your Fault
Call That A Comeback
Tigers And Sharks
The Rumour
Finders Keepers
New Jersey
Sweet Feet
If I Were In Your Shoes
The Consequence
If You Run
You've Made Your Bed
Promise, Promise
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords You Me At Six
- Finders Keepers Chords
- Save It For The Bedroom Chords
- Youve Made Your Bed Chords
- If I Were In Your Shoes Chords
- Underdog ver2 Chords
- Take Off Your Colours Tab
- Kiss And Tell Chords
- Always Attract Chords
- Contagious Chemistry Tab
- Liquid Confidence Chords
- Kiss And Tell ver3 Tab
- Kiss And Tell Acoustic Chords
- The Consequence Acoustic Chords
- Stay With Me ver2 Tab
- The Rumour Tab
- The Truth Is A Terrible Thing Intro Tab
- Poker Face Tab
- Stay With Me ver3 Tab
- If You Run Tab
- Tigers And Sharks ver2 Chords
- Save It For The Bedroom Acoustic Chords
- Playing The Blame Game Chords
- Nasty Habits Tab
- Jealous Minds Think Alike ver3 Chords
- If You Run Chords
- Blue Eyes Dont Lie Intro Tab
- Always Attract ver4 Tab
- Contagious Chemistry ver2 Tab
- Tigers And Sharks ver2 Chords
- The Consequence ver2 Tab
- Liquid Confidence Tab
- Trophy Eyes Tab
- Fireworks ver3 Chords
- If You Run Acoustic Tab
- The Truth Is A Terrible Thing Tab
- Starry Eyed Chords
- Trophy Eyes Intro Tab
- Fireworks ver2 Chords
- The Consequence Tab
- Fireworks ver4 Tab
- Stay With Me Tab
- Kiss And Tell ver2 Tab
- Contagious Chemistry Chords
- Kiss And Tell Acoustic ver2 Chords
- My Head Is A Prison And Nobody Visits Tab
- Safer To Hate Her Chords
- Safer To Hate Her Intro Tab
- Rescue Me Chords
- The Truth Is A Terrible Thing Chords
- Playing The Blame Game Tab