A Perfect Circle
Stiluri: Alternative
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Linkin Park
Vita de Vie
Green Day
30 Seconds to Mars
Luna Amara
Stiri cu A Perfect Circle
Niste pusti au facut un cover dupa piesa The Outsider semnata A Perfect Circle
Pustii de la O'Keefe Music Foundation au revenit cu un nou cover care ne lasa fara cuvinte ca de fiecare data. Piesa aleasa acum a fost 'The Outsider' de la A Perfect Circle. Ce a iesit vedeti si ascultati mai jos.
A Perfect Circle au cantat la 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' - video
A Perfect Circle au fost invitati la 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' unde au interpretat mai multe piese. Acest lucru s-a intamplat la scurt timp dupa ce au lansat albumul 'Eat The Elephant', pe 20 Aprilie. Mai jos vedeti interpretarea lor pentru piesele 'TalkTalk' si 'So Long And Thanks For All The Fish'....
A Perfect Circle a lansat o piesa noua, "Disillusioned"
A Perfect Circle se pregatesc sa lanseze un nou album, iar de pe acest viitor material au oferit spre ascultare piesa 'Disillusioned'. O puteti asculta in intregime mai jos.
A Perfect Circle a lansat un clip pentru 'The Doomed'
A Perfect Circle au lansat un clip pentru piesa 'The Doomed', clip alb negru, a carui accent este pus foarte mult pe portret si pe imagine faciala. Ce a iesit vedeti mai jos.
Nu, nu ai voie sa faci poze la concertele A Perfect Circle
Cand mergem la un concert, de cele mai multe ori facem si cateva poze. Nu insa si cand e vorba de un concert al celor de la A Perfect Circle. Cei de la A Perfect Circle iau foarte in serios asa numita 'No Photos Policy'. Daca ridici telefonul in aer pentru o poza vei fi dat afara din locatie. Acest...
Top Versuri A Perfect Circle
What's Going On
The Nurse Who Loved Me
What's Going On
Let's Have A War
Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums
(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace Love And Understanding
Weak and Powerless
Let's Have A War
Freedom Of Choice
The Outsider
A Stranger
The Noose
When The Levee Breaks
(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace Love And Understanding
Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie
Fiddle And The Drum
The Package
People Are People
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords A Perfect Circle
- The Noose ver3 Chords
- The Noose Acoustic Tab
- Weak And Powerless Chords
- Orestes Chords
- Gravity Chords
- The Hollow (ver4) Tab
- Passive Tab
- The Hollow Chords
- 3 Libras Chords
- Passive Intro (ver2) Tab
- Passive Intro Tab
- Orestes Acoustic Tab
- Orestes Acoustic (ver2) Tab
- The Package Bass Tab
- Passive (ver2) Tab
- Weak And Powerless (ver2) Tab
- The Outsider Bass Tab
- Whats So Funny Bout Tab
- Rose Bass Tab
- Vanishing Bass Tab
- Orestes (ver3) Tab
- Vanishing Chords
- The Package (ver3) Bass Tab
- Vacant Tab
- OverTab
- Peace Love And Understanding Intro Tab
- Passive Bass Tab
- People Are People Bass Tab
- Passive (ver3) Tab
- When The Levee Breaks Tab
- The Outsider Tab
- Passive (ver2) Bass Tab
- Peace Love And Understanding Intro (ver2) Tab
- Thomas Intro Tab
- Weak And Powerless (ver4) Tab
- The Package (ver4) Bass Tab
- Weak And Powerless Bass Tab
- The Noose Bass Tab
- The Outsider (ver5) Tab
- Weak And Powerless Tab
- Wake The Dead Tab
- The Hollow (ver3) Tab
- Thinking Of You (ver2) Tab
- Peace Love And Understanding Tab
- Thinking Of You Bass Tab
- Orestes (ver2) Tab
- Pet (ver3) Tab
- Renholder Tab
- Wake The Dead (ver2) Tab
- Thomas Bass Tab