Tobosarul noii formatii infiintate de Abbath, 'Abbath', a decis sa paraseasca trupa. Kevin Foley, cu numele de scena 'Creature' a anuntat pe pagina sa de Facebook aceasta decizie.
As a few of you might already know, I’ve been busy this year playing with the Norwegian band ABBATH as a mysterious character called “Creature” (Sorry to disappoint you if you thought it was the amazing Baard Kolstad). For some personal reasons, I’ve decided to leave the band.
Still, it’s been a great experience and an honour to play all the band’s shows so far and record the upcoming album in Sweden with Daniel Bergstrand. I’m really happy with the result. I love the songs, the sound and I’m proud of my drumming on this one. Thanks to everyone who has been involved in this project !
As for the near future, I will be touring for the last time ever with my brothers from BENIGHTED in January and February, opening for The Black Dahlia Murder all over Europe. It will be the best way possible to close a 10 amazing years long chapter of my life. These guys are my absolute best friends and I have no doubt that we’ll have a lot of fun on this tour !
After that, it will be time for me to move on, look for new projects and do my best to keep making a living out of music. I’m looking forward to 2016 !
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