JEFF WATERS de la ANNIHILATOR a finalizat trei albume solo noi

de Cristi Nedelcu

JEFF WATERS de la ANNIHILATOR a finalizat trei albume solo noi

JEFF WATERS de la Annihilator a finalizat trei albume solo noi.

Intr-un interviu acordat pentru The Metal Voice la conventia NAMM din Anaheim, California, chitaristul ANNIHILATOR Jeff Waters a fost intrebat ce pregateste pe plan muzical. El a declarat: "New music, yes, [but] not with ANNIHILATOR. I've been doing this ANNIHILATOR thing for… Well, it's 35 years now since I put my little first album out called 'Alice In Hell', and I'm just gonna do a show [with ANNIHILATOR at] a festival in Europe this year. But I've been working on what all us guys seem to wanna do when they wanna step away from a band they're in, is a solo project. So I got a solo thing I'm doing. I finished three records in the last three years. And that's coming out."

In ceea ce priveste directia muzicala a proiectului sau solo, Waters a spus: "I live in England. I've had a studio with my wife there for about six years. And just before [the coronavirus pandemic] hit, we brought in SSL exchange consoles and upgraded things and made it into one badass mixing studio. And then the thing hit. So I was kind of stuck with this beautiful studio and instruments and all this fun stuff. And I thought, 'Screw it. Now's the time to just get creative and do something outside of the heavy metal thing.' So it's more hard rock stuff. It's everything from disco to THE KNACK to KISS to, like, early stuff — hard rock, heavy metal, '70s, '80s, a bit of VAN HALEN, of course. So it's not groundbreaking, amazing new stuff [that's] gonna come out for me. It's more like a tribute in a way, in my own way."

Intrebat daca are si invitati pe noul album Jeff a spus: "I got real singers. Stu Block, who was in ICED EARTH and INTO ETERNITY and all that, a fellow Canadian and a great singer, I tapped him. The deal with Stu was, I knew he was an incredible metal singer. And I know ICED EARTH tapped him in a few other things, but I could hear in him that he had everything from Michael Jackson, George Michael, into some bluesy stuff. But nobody's ever tapped him on that as a producer or a writer. So I said, 'Would you be interested in trying something different?' He was, like, 'I don't know. What do you mean?' And basically, you won't be able to know it's him. It's fantastic… He did a couple of the albums with me."

Referitor la lansarea de muzica noua si cand se pot astepta fanii sa apara un material nou, Waters a raspus: "I think the first [album] starts coming out, I think, summer. I don't know a lot of information because I decided to do something a little different. I tried to go with the first album to a few record companies, and it was, like, 'Oh, boy, this isn't the old days.' So instead of just trying to just let it go and let it get out there and know that nothing was really gonna happen, I tried a different idea, and I went to video game companies. And [I] thought, 'Hey, what if I did an album, or three, and gave you the album covers, gave you the booklets, gave you the trademark, the name of the band, the logo, and now you can have all three of them. It's gone. I don't get royalties, I don't get anything if it does well, but I want one paycheck.' And the second company I went to — without being a dick, we got more money from the video game company than I did in five or six ANNIHILATOR records. So somebody paid me to do a solo album more than my real band. They just paid the bills and it helped pay for that console I was telling you about."

Jeff este unul dintre fondatorii celebrei trupe ANNIHILATOR. Fondata in 1984, formatia ANNIHILATOR a luat cu asalt scena metalului cu albumul „Alice In Hell”, a ridicat stacheta cu „Never, Neverland” din anii 1990 si a continuat sa se dezvolte intr-un model de trupa care lansa non-stop discuri si sustinea turnee alaturi de multe dintre cele mai mari trupe din genul metal (mai ales in afara Americii de Nord). ANNIHILATOR a devenit astfel una dintre cele mai apreciate si faimoase trupe din istoria Canadei.

In urma cu trei ani, earMusic a anuntat o serie de reeditari a (aproape) intregii discografii ANNIHILATOR. In total, 18 discuri vor fi lansate in urmatorii cativa ani, inclusiv versiunea originala din 2007 a albumului „Metal”.

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