As I Lay Dying
Stiluri: Metalcore
Biografie As I Lay Dying
As I Lay Dying este o trupa californiana de metalcore cu influente din sfera death metalului melodic. Numele trupei vine de la romanul cu acelasi titlu, scris de William Faulkner , desi nu exista nici corelatie din punct de vedere liric intre roman si formatie. As I Lay Dying a luat nastere in 1999 in San Diego, California dar s-a destramat dupa numai un an, in 2000, atunci cand vocalul Tim Lambesis s-a mutat in Texas pentru a se altura trupei Society's Finest. Tim a parasit Society's Finest in 2001 si s-a mutat inapoi in San Diego unde a reformat trupa, care a semnat cu Pluto Records pentru a scoate in iunie 2001 primul album full-length numit "Beneath the Encasing of Ashes". In 2002, formatia a inregistrat cateva piese pentru un CD facut impreuna cu American Tragedy, de asemenea lansat la Pluto Records. Dupa un turneu mai extins si o crestere a popularitatii, As I Lay Dying a semnat cu Metal Blade Records la inceputul lui 2003. In iulie 2003 a fost lansat cel de-al doilea......Toata biografia As I Lay Dying
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Bullet for My Valentine
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Stiri cu As I Lay Dying
As I Lay Dying au lansat un nou single, 'Roots Below'
Trupa a lansat un material video pentru noul single 'Roots Below' care este extras de pe albumul 'Shaped By Fire'. " Roots Below' was a track I initially wrote for the Shaped By Fire album, but at the time we collectively felt it needed more time and attention to develop to its fullest potential. We were...
As I Lay Dying au lansat un nou single, 'Roots Below'
Trupa a lansat un material video pentru noul single 'Roots Below' care este extras de pe albumul 'Shaped By Fire'. " Roots Below' was a track I initially wrote for the Shaped By Fire album, but at the time we collectively felt it needed more time and attention to develop to its fullest potential. We were...
Aa I Lay Dying au lansat single-ul 'Roots Below'
Trupa a revenit cu un nou single dupa despartirea de chitaristul Nick Hipa. Liderul trupei, Tim Lambesis, a declarat urmatoarele: "Its exciting to be working on music again after some downtime. 'Roots Below' was originally a B-side leftover from when we recorded [the 2019 album] 'Shaped By Fire', but...
Tim Lambesis a suferit un grav accident
Solistul trupei As I Lay Dying a postat pe contul sau de Instagram o fotografie cu el intr-un pat de spital declarand ca in timp ce incerca sa fac un foc, acesta a varsat din greaseala gaz pe el. In prezent, Tim Lambesis se recupereaza intr-un spital din California de Sud unde va fi operat. "I apologize to...
As I Lay Dying au lansat videoclipul pentru 'Torn Between'
Piesa este preluata de pe cel de-al saptelea album al formatiei, "Shaped By Fire", material lansat in septembrie anul trecut, via Nuclear Blast. Videoclipul piesei il puteti urmari mai jos.
Videoclipuri As I Lay Dying
- As I Lay Dying - Through Struggle
- As I Lay Dying - The Darkest Nights
- As I Lay Dying - Confined
- As I Lay Dying - Forever
- As I Lay Dying - Nothing Left
- As I Lay Dying - Within Destruction
- I Never Wanted
- Parallels
- Anodyne Sea
- Beyond Our Suffering
- Electric Eye
- Paralyzed
- A Greater Foundation
Muzica As I Lay Dying
Top Versuri As I Lay Dying
Moments And In Between
Through Struggle
I Never Wanted
The Sound Of Truth
An Ocean Between Us
Choking On A Dream
The Pain Of Separation
Behind Me Lies Another Fallen Soldier
Nothing Left
Bury Us All
94 Hours
This Is Who We Are
World Intruded
Spite And Splinter
06. The Voices That Betray Me
The Darkest Nights
Empty Hearts
04. A Breath in the Eyes of Eternity
03. Forced to Die
Morning Waits
The Beginning
The Truth Of My Perception
Comfort Betrays
Falling Upon Deaf Ears
10. Refined by Your Embrace
The Pain Of Separation
09. Surrounded
Losing Sight
Anger And Apathy
Control Is Dead
Within Destruction
05. Blood Turned to Tears
08. A Long March
The Beginning
Wrath Upon Ourselves
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords As I Lay Dying
- The Sound Of Truth Tab
- Forsaken Tab
- Within Destruction Tab
- Morning Waits Tab
- Nothing Left Tab
- Within Destruction (ver2) Tab
- Through Struggle Tab
- Nothing Left Intro Tab
- Separation Tab
- Darkest Nights Tab
- Repeating Yesterday (ver2) Tab
- Illusions Intro Tab
- Departed Tab
- Forced To Die Intro Tab
- This Is Who We Are Tab
- Losing Sight (ver2) Tab
- Morning Waits Intro Tab
- Forsaken (ver2) Tab
- Elegy (ver2) Tab
- Repeating Yesterday Tab
- Distance Is Darkness Bass Tab
- Repeating Yesterday (ver6) Tab
- Elegy Tab
- A Thousand Steps Bass Tab
- Through Struggle Intro Tab
- Elegy Bass Tab
- Distance Is Darkness (ver2) Tab
- Confined Tab
- Empty Hearts Tab
- Darkest Nights (ver3) Bass Tab
- Morning Waits (ver2) Tab
- Darkest Nights (ver4) Bass Tab
- Surrounded Tab
- Separation (ver3) Tab
- Truth Of My Perception Bass Tab
- Repeating Yesterday (ver5) Tab
- Through Struggle (ver3) Tab
- Darkest Nights Bass Tab
- Confined (ver5) Tab
- Surounded Intro Tab
- 94 Hours Solo Tab
- Losing Sight Bass Tab
- Reinvention Tab
- ForeverTab
- Separation (ver2) Tab
- Meaning In Tragedy (ver2) Tab
- Truth Of My Perception (ver2) Tab
- Through Struggle (ver2) Tab
- Distance Is Darkness Tab
- Losing Sight Tab