Bad Religion
Biografie Bad Religion
Considerati adeseori ca principali responsabili pentru renasterea punk rock-ului spre sfarsitul anilor '80, si deasemenea creditati ca avand o mare influenta asupra a numerosi artisti ai acestui gen muzical, Bad Religion au luat fiinta in 1980 in California, in formula Greg Graffin la voce, Jay Bentley basist, Brett Gurewitz la chitara si bateristul Jay Ziskrout. Temele abordate sunt atat in legatura cu viata de zi cu zi cat si despre diferite probleme sociale si politice, uneori exprimate in mod metaforic. Bad Religion au parte de numeroase schimbari de componenta, vocalul Greg Graffin ramanand singurul membru constant de la infiintarea trupei pana in prezent. Chitaristul Brett Gurewitz paraseste trupa in 1994, are probleme cu drogurile pe care le discuta in numeroase interviuri acordate si chiar intr-un documentar despre Bad Religion (Along The Way"), dar revine in 2001. Pe langa punk rock, Bad Religion abordeaza genuri ca rock alternativ si grunge, cunoscand succesul cu albume......Toata biografia Bad Religion
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Stiri cu Bad Religion
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Bad Religion: True North (videoclip nou)
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Videoclipuri Bad Religion
Top Versuri Bad Religion
05. All There Is
03. Billy Gnosis
12. God Song
09. Individual
The State Of The End Of The Millenium Adress
04. Atheist Peace
06. Raise Your Voice
11. The Defense
12. Let It Burn
Ten In 2010
04. The Biggest Killer in American History
01. Operation Rescue
02. Sinister Rouge
09. The State of the End of the Millennium Address
06. Los Angeles Is Burning
06. Materialist
02. Shades of Truth
07. Let Them Eat War
09. To Another Abyss
08. Sorrow
08. Believe It
02. Punk Rock Song
15. American Jesus
10. American Dream
04. When?
16. Do What You Want
11. Part II (The Numbers Game)
09. Generator
09. Suffer
Boot Stamping On A Human Face Forever
07. Kyoto Now!
11. Mediocre Minds
01. Supersonic
04. New America
05. 1000 Memories
03. All Fantastic Images
06. Land of Competition
New Dark Ages
14. Live Again (The Fall of Man)
06. A Streetkid Named Desire
03. Tomorrow
25. Leave Mine to Me
03. Stranger Than Fiction
13. Dream of Unity
19. No Direction
13. Drunk Sincerity
08. Damned to Be Free
The Biggest Killer In American History
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Bad Religion
- To Another Abyss Chords
- Sorrow Acoustic Chords
- Walk Away Br Tab
- Suffer Chords
- Yesterday Tab
- What Can You Do Chords
- You Tab
- Los Angeles Is Burning Chords
- Struck A Nerve Tab
- Skyscraper Chords
- You Are The Government Chords
- Tainted Love Tab
- Generator Chords
- All There Is Chords
- Who We Are Chords
- The Handshake (ver2) Tab
- Whisper In Time Tab
- Were Only Gonna Die From Our Own Arrogance Chords
- 1000 More Fools Tab
- The Answer Chords
- Watch It Die Chords
- Lookin In Tab
- You Dont Belong Chords
- A Walk Bass Tab
- You (ver3) Tab
- Hooray For Me Chords
- You (ver2) Tab
- Better Off Dead Chords
- Yesterday (ver2) Tab
- Cease Chords
- Stranger Than Fiction Bass Tab
- Were Only Gonna Die From Our Own Arrogance Bass Tab
- Entropy Tab
- Youve Got A Chance Tab
- You Are The Government Tab
- Victory Tab
- What It Is Tab
- Beyond Electric Dreams (ver2) Tab
- White Trash Bass Tab
- You Bass Tab
- Turn On The Light Chords
- There Will Be A Way (ver2) Tab
- The Streets Of America Chords
- Supersonic (ver4) Tab
- Anesthesia Chords
- Big Bang Chords
- You (ver2) Bass Tab
- Submission Complete Tab
- Sorrow (ver4) Chords
- Unacceptable (ver2) Tab