Biografie Behemoth
Numele trupei a fost imprumutat de la o creatura apocaliptica din Biblie, ale carei atribute principale erau forta si marimea. Trupa originara din Polonia a fost infiintata in 1991 de catre Nergal. Avand ca model trupe precum Venom, Celtic Frost si reprezentante ale black metalului norvegian, Behemoth au scos numeroase demo-uri si Ep-uri reprezentative pentru acest gen (Endless Damnation", The Return Of The Northern Moon", From The Pagan Vastlands"). In acelasi gen muzical pot fi incadrate si primele full-lenghturi, Sventevith (Storming Near the Baltic)", Grom", Pandemonic Incantations", Satanica". Acesta din urma este primul lor album mai bine promovat, in comparatie cu materialele precedente, facandu-i cunoscuti si in alte parti decat in Europa. O dovada este faptul ca, imediat dupa lansarea acestui album, trupa poloneza pleaca in turneu alaturi de celebrii deja Deicide si Satyricon. Behemoth isi vor schimba treptat stilul, abordand mai intai un technical death metal, apoi un......Toata biografia Behemoth
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Stiri cu Behemoth
Behemoth filmeaza videoclipul pentru Once Upon A Pale Horse"
Intr-un interviu cu Radio Bob din Germania! solistul Behemoth, Adam „Nergal” Darski, a dezvaluit ca trupa este pe cale sa filmeze un videoclip pentru piesa „Once Upon a Pale Horse” de pe viitorul (al doisprezecelea) album de studio „Opvs Contra Natvram”. „I'm really...
Pregateste-te pentru experienta celei de-a opta editii a festivalului Rockstadt Extreme Fest!
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Behemoth tocmai a lansat un nou videoclip!
Behemoth tocmai a lansat un videoclip pentru noua lor melodie „Off to War!”, care serveste drept al doilea single de pe viitorul lor album Opvs Contra Natvram. Ritmul galopant al piesei „Off to War!” deosebeste atmosfera piesei de single-ul anterior al trupei „Ov My Herculean...
Behemoth au lansat un nou clip live
Trupa a revenit cu un nou material live pentru single-ul 'Slaves Shall Serve'. Videoclipul este extras de pe albumul live 'In Absenta Dei' si poate fi comandat de pe site-ul oficial al trupe i si poate fi achzitioant in format album digital, digibook si vinil 3xLP in diferite culori. Clipul live pentru...
Behemoth au lansat un clip live pentru 'Prometherion'
Trupa a lansat un material video pentru single-ul 'Prometherion' ce va fi inclus pe albumul live 'In Absenta Dei' care va fi disponibil pe 17 decembrie via Nuclear Blast Records. "Legions! For some of you, The Apostasy is the ultimate Behemoth experience. Here, we present to you a song from that record which...
Videoclipuri Behemoth
- Behemoth - Conquer All
- Behemoth - Slaves Shall Serve
- Behemoth - From the Pagan Vastlands
- Behemoth - Decade of Therion
- Behemoth - Antichristian Phenomenon
- Behemoth - As above so below
- Behemoth - Inner Sanctum
- Interviu video Behemoth 2007
- Ov Fire And The Void
- Alas, Lord Is Upon Me
- Lucifer
- Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel
- Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel
Muzica Behemoth
Top Versuri Behemoth
Ov Fire And The Void
Slaves Shall Serve (Album Version)
At The Left Hand Ov God
In The Garden Of Dispersion
Conquer All
Decade Of Therion
Forgotten Empire Of Dark Witchcraft
Thou Shalt Forever Win
Rome 64 C.E.
Sventevith (Storming Near The Baltic)
Antichristian Phenomenon
Lasy Pomorza
Total Disaster
23 (The Youth Manifesto)
The Nephilim Rising
Summoning Of The Ancient Gods
Pure Evil And Hate
Driven By The Five-Winged Star
Vinvm Sabbati
Cursed Angel Of Doom
Christians To The Lions
Forgotten Cult Of Aldaron
Heru Ra Ha: Let There Be Might
Inner Sanctum
Chant Of The Eastern Lands
Until You Call On The Dark
The Entrance To The Spheres Of Mars
Aggressor (HELLHAMMER cover)
Ceremony Of Shiva
Dark Triumph
From The Pagan Vastlands 2000
No Sympathy For Fools
Fornicatus Benefictus
Be Without Fear
Transylvanian Forest
Blackest Ov The Black
Hidden In A Fog
The Dark Forest (Cast Me Your Spell)
Before Aeons Came
Mysterium Coniunctionis (Hermanubis)
Slaves Shall Serve (Live)
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Behemoth
- Slaves Shall Serve Tab
- Ov Fire And The Void Tab
- Slaying The Prophets Ov Isa Tab
- Sculpting The Throne Ov Seth Tab
- Sculpting The Throne Ov Seth Intro Tab
- Conquer All Tab
- With Spell Of Inferno Tab
- Inner Sanctum Tab
- Be Without Fear Intro Tab
- In Thy Pandemaeternum Tab
- Dance Of The Pagan Flames Bass Tab
- Starspawn Tab
- Forgotten Cult Of Aldaron Tab
- Prometherion Tab
- Demigod Tab
- Nephilim Rising Tab
- Pure Evil And Hate Bass Tab
- Decade Of Therion Bass Tab
- Rome 64 Ce Tab
- Chant For Eschaton 2000 Tab
- Christians To The Lions Tab
- Moonspell Rites Bass Tab
- Lam Tab
- Inflamed With Rage Tab
- Decade Of Therion Tab
- Antichristian Phenomenom Tab
- Prometherion Bass Tab
- Arcana Hereticae (ver2) Tab
- Decade Of Therion (ver2) Tab
- No Sympathy For Fools Tab
- Reign Of Shemsu-hor Tab
- Starspawn (ver2) Tab
- Dance Of The Pagan Flames Tab
- The Alchemists Dream Tab
- Reign Ov Shemsu-hor Tab
- Before Aeons Came Intro Tab
- From Hornedlands To Lindesfarne Tab
- Arcana Hereticae Tab
- Dark Forestcast Me Your Spell Tab
- Demigod (ver2) Tab
- Lucifer (intro) Tab
- Lucifer Tab
- As Above So Below Tab
- Christgrinding Avenue Tab
- Wolves Guard My Coffin Tab
- Lucifer (intro) Tab